JRPG Thread

Lockdown Day 12 edition. What are ya playan and/or grindan today, Yas Forums?
Goin' back to our OP image roots this time around, it's been a hot while.

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Still playing FFX. I’m inside Sin now and just beat Seymour for good

Still chippin' away at Nocturne; reached the Amala Temple awhile back. Kinda sad with how Hijiri turned out, but I guess pic related was right after all. Damn you, Atlus.

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Yeah, atleast Hijiri was a bro till the end

Has anyone played the FFXII mod "The Struggle for Freedom"? I love the idea of it, but want to know it it's worth buying the PC version for. I've played FFXII Original, IZJS (twice) and the Zodiac age, and am probably not going to go back to any of the previous versions again.

However, a 60FPS version with increased difficulty sounds amazing. Thoughts?

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Romancing SaGa 3, I'm in Leonid's castle and I'm getting cockblocked by some Poison Putrid Giants. These three are harder than the two Abyss Lords I've taken down

Breath of Fire 1 an 2 is on the snes player on the bing bing wahoo machine, are they worth playing? People keep telling me the only BoF game thats worth a damn is 4

I tried playing 4 a few days ago and I couldn't bring myself to get past the beginning.
I think Dragon Quarter was a really, really bad introduction to the series. Still have a bad taste in my mouth from it.

Just saved Kid and got the boat in Chrono Cross. I'm sure I missed a few recruitable characters but I got Razzly.

emulating persona 3

I'm at around floor 124 in tarturus and I'm in september. This is my first persona game (and first SMT) and I'm having a blast. Definitely gonna check out other SMT games.

Just out of interest, is there a way to reset the personas I've stored in the compendium?

Furtheremore, Koro-chan best party member and Chihiro best girl :3

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P5 vanilla because I started the game 2 months ago before I knew anything about Royal and now I'm up to 30 hours of playtime so I don't want to stop playing and do it all over again, especially since the first few hours are not the most enjoyable thing.

>Definitely gonna check out other SMT games.
You're in for a treat. If you want more of the comfy scenery and more of the high-school setting, try Persona 4 afterwards - it's a little dumbed-down when compared to P3 and definitely a bit more *cheesy* up to the point where it's generally called a Scooby-Doo game, but still great fun.
>Just out of interest, is there a way to reset the personas I've stored in the compendium?
I've only played Portable, but I don't think so, unless the Compendium's had some weird change on that matter. Best you can do is fusing or finding the same Personas and re-registering them, i.e. replacing some beefed Lv99 Apsaras or whatever with the basic one that you find on Block 1.
>Chihiro best girl :3
I'd argue that Yukari and Toriumi both deserve some lovin' too, but she's still great. Her S.Link is always fun and lovable as heck.

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Trying to get through Trails SC, but I'm already burnt out. Wondering if I should go restart some of my other half finished jrpgs and stop halfway through again.

>You're in for a treat. If you want more of the comfy scenery and more of the high-school setting, try Persona 4 afterwards - it's a little dumbed-down when compared to P3 and definitely a bit more *cheesy* up to the point where it's generally called a Scooby-Doo game, but still great fun.

I'm always surprised at how people think P3 is the superior game. I've played it once, same as P4, and barely remembers the plot and characters compared to 4. I remember enjoying it though and the darker tone is probably better but from what I remember the story and characters weren't as good. May be wrong though.

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as a huge aestheticsfag and someone who much prefers the SNES aesthetic of 3/4, what would I be losing by playing the originals over the DS remakes?

snes aesthetic of 4*. I didn't realise 3 was on the NES

imagine having such amazing and unique covers 25 years ago and not utilizing that art style in modern times, instead opting for generic anime, worsened sprites and kpop photorealism
ff is pathetic

Oh no, don't get me wrong, I never said it was outright worse in comparison to 4, Realistically, they're on their own wavelengths - 3's more gloomy, less upbeat, etc., where as 4 generally handles the opposite of all that, sans the last few months when the fog hits harder.
But I dunno. I played 3P after 4, and the shift in tone was a bit sudden, but things just felt a lot better; the slightly broader scope of physical attacks, the addition of more varied requests in the Velvet Room, the grounded characterization and tone... On that note, some of the character arcs played out better, with the common example being that Junpei's arc > Yosuke's arc. Though I guess that one's still kinda unfair, lol.

You missed Glenn. Damn shame.

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Do you have something of this sort for other JRPG series?

not him but here you go

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I have a few of these

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This. This is such a wasted opportunity, they have Yoshitaka Amano at their disposal doing design work when asked and they just opt for the same old boring aesthetics every time. Such a sadness, imagine a game world and characters designed by him?

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I am trying to collect all of them, I am looking in archives, b4k, yuukila, firedeen and desuarchive. If you have some of them or you can point me to them. I will upload for you.

Thanks for the YS one.

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I am the only person in the world to hate DQ VII but god damn that was one of the most boring games I've ever played in my life. I like most of the DQ series and I loved IV and V (and VIII later on) but jesus fucking christ VII was so boring. It was like 90 hours of fucking nothing leading to nothing with some nice nothing in between.

nice user, I didn't have these ones, thanks.

cool, FF origins came with 2 little piece of his art insed its case in 2003.

here's an updated version

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final fantasy tactics, original on psx or the psp one? which one is better?

PSP with the slowdowns patch applied.

okay so hear me out
a jrpg where the protagonists AREN'T highschoolers and the enemies AREN'T demons
at this point i'm ok with sci fi shit

PSP with the slowdown patch by far

Good choice user, I finished FES not long ago and I utterly loved it, it was my first Persona game too.

The only way to rewrite Personas from the Compendium is to fuse/shuffle them again and then choose the register option while talking to Elizabeth when you have them with you. If the Persona you want to rewrite is in your active team you'll have to dismiss it (square button on the PS controller) before getting the replacement.

Enjoy the game!

It's my favourite DQ and the stories there made me cry so fucking hard. It has the hardest hitting stories in the series

>spell names that didn't age well

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Maiko is best cunny. Her social link was really heart warming. I'm also at September, I'll try FES after I finish P3P.

Also maybe it's just me but P3 normal mode is significantly harder than merciless mode P5.

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