What the fuck they were thinking ?

what the fuck they were thinking ?

Attached: Dishonored-Death-of-the-Outsider-Free-Download-800x450.jpg (800x450, 71.18K)

At least the title is accurate. Way to butcher a character.

More interesting than D2. Really good DLC, except Megan's powers were shite.

u mad whitebois?

>Kill Billie in Knife of Dunwall
>She's alive in D2
>Kill Billie in D2
>She's alive and the protagonist of DotO

What's the point of giving me the choice then, fuck sake

No. I just didn't buy it. Playing as a nigger woman isn't something I'm interested in. Except COD WW2 it was stupid at first, but then I played as a nigger female just because of how ridiculous and we wuz the whole thing was.

Not really considering this literally killed the series lmao

>Kill Daud offscreen
How to kill a series in one easy step!

they collected stats on how many people killed her and then forced everyone to play her out of spite

>that kotaku guy told me that they buy games!

>Kill her in KoD because she tried going behind my back, and if I gave her the chance she might do it again
>Kill her in D2 because she betrayed my trust and played a part in killing my lover/mother

It's not even like I killed her because reeeh black womyn, she's genuinely a piece of shit

In terms of Dishonored 2 can we at least admit Crack in the Slab was good?

Attached: Dishonored 2 Screenshot 2019.09.15 - (1920x1080, 3.11M)

I actually just finished this tonight, and enjoyed the levels, but man the story sucked dick. Don't even really have a problem with Billy, but why kill Daud like that? We can't even have a final moment together? The ending cutscene is also really limp.
Overall D2+DotO compares really unfavorably to D1+Knife of Dunwall+Brigmore Witches.

I wish Crack in the Slab got memed on harder as the best level in D2, I really didn't think Jindosh's Mansion was that great.

Gameplay wise 2 is better than 1 but the shit performance upon release sank it on arrival

You literally cannot kill Michael Madsen.

I fucking love this series and I wish they'd do more titles and expand on the universe, it looks so dope.
You can't get at me Yas Forums

>not dlc, stand alone 40 dollar purchase
>5 levels but really more like 3.5 in terms of new stuff
>no high/low chaos
>kills franchise
Fuck are you on about?

It's the only thing in the game that felt unique and good. Jindosh' mansion was annoying and dumb. Everything else in the game was "Dishonored 1 but not as good".

It was blatantly meant to be dlc but because 2's sales bombed they made it a stand alone

>never made a game that runs well on ANY hardware
what the fuck were they thinking?

get woke, go broke

Dishonored 1 ran flawlessly for me, even at release. Prey also ran quite well.

i actually read some where dishonoured 2 was going to be set in a jail town situated in a harsh frozen tundra. now that would have been kinda cool

"We're not racist"

it's that simple

Dishonored 2's gimmick levels fucking blow.

Attached: 1585609077011.png (321x317, 158.12K)

Could never get into this franchise. Too much like a theme park ride.

I unironically think light skinned people are racist when they do shit like this. It's all about context which they never seem to grasp.

sjw mind virus takes away the ability to think

>Too much like a theme park ride

>shit 2 really underperformed
>let’s end the series on our own terms, but how?
>I know let’s destroy the most iconic parts of the series, the Outsider and magic
>oh and instead of Corvo, or Daud, or a new character, let’s make them play as one of the most unpopular unlikable characters because her skin is brown

her entire motivation is doing what the old white guy tells her

I don't mind the nigress, but why did they have to make her so fucking ugly?