Only CRAZY!!! licensed anons may post in this thread

Only CRAZY!!! licensed anons may post in this thread.

>Favorite driver?
>Favorite song?
>Favorite destination?
>Platform of choice?
>Red rush chad or safe green virgin?
>Is using the bike cheating?

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>Picking anyone but BD Joe

For me, it's Gus. He seems to know something the other cabbies don't. He seems on top of the game. He has 'ONLY777' on his license plate, but clearly - look at his face - clearly, he knows he is a cut above the rest, and it's almost as if he's mocking them. According to the lore he created the art of crazy driving himself, so it's no surprise he's the most skilled, and he plays poker outside of work with his friends which is more likely what his luck loving license plate refers to.

I just picked BD Joe because he wasn't a girl, or wearing an undone shirt

BD Joe is definitely the fan favorite of the series. He was picked as the Craxy Taxi rep in the Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing series.

shit I haven’t played this since I had the Dreamcast version, and I sucked at it too

The most based thing a game dev has ever done is include a custom playlist creator on the psp version of crazy taxi so people could put the original soundtrack in without Sega having to pay for the songs.

>got my CRAZY license and bike on PS3
>no KFC, no Pizza Hut, no nothing

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Any racing games out there that control like Crazy Taxi? With forward/reverse shifting and crazy boosts and limiter cuts and crazy turns and all the other weird, forward/reverse switch based skills?

And the best part is that they straight up admitted to it when they were asked about it, god i wish the tony hawk guys would remake a game using this method or even Sega with sonic 3 music

Last time I played I remember fucking up the shifting timings all the time. How do I get good?
Is emulating the game on a low end PC viable these days too?

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PS3 version is great. I don't care about the soundtrack or the missing brands at all. I can't listen to those songs for an hour or two straight without losing my mind anyway.

why is Zoro a taxi driver now?

>Favorite driver?
I was an Axel lad growing up but I have come around to B.D. Joe being the superior choice
>Favorite song?
>Favorite destination?
KFC obviously
>Platform of choice?
>Red rush chad or safe green virgin?
Definitely a green virgin, maybe that's why I was never that great at the game
>Is using the bike cheating?
I mean, I guess? I never even knew about it as a kid, I wasn't super knowledgeable about the game despite being a little SEGAfag.


you can get it on a smartphone now, shit's wack

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That's pretty clever. Good on the devs.

The bike is the fastest and has hairpin turning but is the hardest to control and spins completely out of whack if you knock into anything. It's the best if you're the best so I wouldn't call it cheating.

I have some CD-Rs in the post. I can't wait to play Crazy Taxi 2 on Dreamcast.

>Favorite driver?
1: Gus
2: Iceman
3: Zax
>Favorite song?
The Meaning of Life
>Favorite destination?
Pizza Hut
>Platform of choice?
Dreamcast then Xbox
>Red rush chad or safe green virgin?
Green and Yellowish Green early on and Red for later in the game.
>Is using the bike cheating?

My main way of playing these days is emulating the gamecube version

about 90% of the green customers in this game want you to cross the fucking motorway

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Do people not like the steam version? Pretty sure all you have to do to get the original soundtrack back is swap a file or two.

Damn. I thought I was pretty good at the game, because I usually get $30,000 to $50,000, but I've realized without the bike I can just barely even get over $10,000. I didn't realize the bike was such a crutch.

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The motoway is the worst, I always lose the most time there.

I feel dirty.

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>Favorite driver?
>Favorite song?
>Favorite destination?
The Bus Terminal. It's a relief knowing you've finally found someone who will pull you towards a circuit reset.
>Platform of choice?
Steam. Simple file replacements to get the original voices, sounds and OST back.
>Red rush chad or safe green virgin?
Whatever's closest. You can gain game time off of anything, it doesn't matter.
>Is using the bike cheating?
It's just different. If you used the bike then your name in the high scores will be changed to yellow, so it can't be used to fool anyone. However, anyone who claims to have earned a crazy license but has only actually got it with the bike still has a challenge to complete.

>Favorite driver?
BD when I was younger. Gus now.
>Favorite song?
TEN IN 2010
>Favorite destination?
Seaside/Beach is still the most iconic for me.
>Platform of choice?
Original Arcade, most nostalgic.
>Red rush chad or safe green virgin?
>Is using the bike cheating?
No, it's FUN.

Who was BEST FARE and why was it the cute red head?

Anyways, where was the first time you played the game, user? My middle school would have an "active learning" field trip every year, and my 7th grade year they took us to an indoor soccer plex. I was excited to play but then an arcade cabinet caught my eye off to the side. Needless to say my entire day was preoccupied from that point on.

Sega did Arcade car games right.

Attached: Gus.png (522x366, 45.48K)

without a doubt the Nignog.

I once played the older guy because he has a Vice City vibe to him but his taxi is way smaller than the nigga penis taxi so it controls weird. I instantly switched back to blacky. once you go black you never go back.

tell me about the bike. first time I hear about it.

my local library for some reason set up a bunch of PS2s that you could pay to play for an hour. I didn't get to play them but I saw someone playing crazy taxi, and my sister told me people fuck in your cab while you drive them and it's full of swearing and killing, I just believed her because it was that stupid shit your older siblings would make up.

In the original arcade version, there was some buttons you pressed as the game started up and you get to drive the bike. In the home ports, you have to beat every mission in the crazy box, then you press down on the character select screen to select bike.

It's faster and controls better than any cab, and is still vaguely influenced by the cabby you pick (Gus's is heavier, for example), but each cabby more or less has the same stats on their bike. If you're doing your crazy dashes and limiter cuts, you'll get a crazy license ($20,000+) driving the bike easily because it's so fucking fast.