>deals 30+ unavoidable damage to you
Deals 30+ unavoidable damage to you
git gud faggot you just have to copy the very same tactic my favourite stramer does.
>not the based conch of guaranteed 18 damage
Nob at least can just keep shanking you, the fucking conch tears your ass apart.
18...? Doesn't Lagavulin do 20?
Unless you're referring some other Elite...
yeah lagavulin deals 20 damage on A3+
Easiest floor 1 Elite by far. How are you so bad? Pick up literally any attack card and you can stomp him.
deal damage on the first 2 turns, block the third, finish him the fourth
congrats you traded 15hp for a relic, be careful the game gets harder as you progress
you wish faggot. if he decides to fuck it and doesn't do his debuffing attack, he'll rip your asshole apart
haha wouldn't it be funny if you had a build that uses a lot of cards and it was too late to respec?
>avoids it with Amplify+Upgraded Buffer
heh nice try, meatbag
If you could always avoid all damage the game wouldn't be what it is
Some might say it wouldn't have any point at all
what can you do?
>oh you want to use a non-attack let me get swole while your at it
>oh you have no attack this turn? sucks to be you :)
Shiv deck killer :\
Shiv decks are so much fun when you get it to work, and then this asshole pops up...
stop playing skills you mongoloid the fucker has like 25hp
Technically the lowest HP of the Elites, still the most terrifying Elite to new players
I always avoid Act II Elites if I can. Act I Elites are easy and my deck's usually online by Act III but Act II is in that zone that Elites just hurt too much to bother with a lot of the time.
I made it to the heart on my second go with Defect but I cannot for the life of me get a good run out of the Silent
>2 rares in act 1
near fantasy scenario
>still the most terrifying Elite to new players
Despite being the easiest. You just have to accept to take some damage instead of trying to block everything and having him hit like a truck.
true, but not many new players immediately make that connection and a lot of new players only learn through trial and error
Silent's very tricky, I feel
More trickier than Watcher, and I haven't even tried the scry abilities she has
That's true. Now I much prefer having to deal with him instead of the three fuckers who bloat your deck with shit.
Act 1easy
>lavagulin is the toughest because of str drain
>big nob is the easiest, just hit it until it dies
>3 cones fuckers are annoying and will reveal that you already got a bad start so better reset
Act 2 medium
>goblin leader is a joke if you hit hard enough, but a random combination of little gobs can fuck you up quick
>quartermaster is the real dead and can fuck you up, bt is a good test for your deck
>stabbing book is innofensive 80% of the time, will fuck you up the 20%, but it's because you have a meme deck
Act 3 hard
>snake girl will test you pure attack capacity, or kill you
>Nemesis will test you pure defense power or kill you
>Head will test your boss strategy but seriously it's piss easy
Run Poison. Two upgraded Catalysts will win most fights with proper support.
Especially on higher ascensions... Tri Sentries becomes way scarier
>tfw fire breath Ironclad
Except thats not how it goes because by Act III any deck worth its salt will be able to deal with the Act III elites easier then a deck in Act II can deal with Act II bosses. Only Act III Elite that's a threat is Snake Girl now that Nemesis is nerfed and Head is a joke while all the Act II elites are actual threats.
i do wish he was designed a little differently
im fine with the timer, i just dont like that he gets strength for it
i feel like playing cards on tempo should be the goal, not just "no you dont get to play cards"
give him strength for something else, something that can be played around, like woke birb
>Act II bosses
I meant Act II Elites FUCK
Are you supposed to be playing with the wiki open at all time? Because it feel like the game love to punish you for going in blind.
>Playing RNG shit
Here lies the problem
man im such a shitter at this game. I cant seem to improve
the fuck do you mean, his pattern has no variance, he always appply Vulnerable turn 2
you can wiki shit, it probably wont affect much if youre not at the stage where you know all the cards, enemies, relics and shit by heart already
most people who are good at this game learned a lot by taking advice or learning from other people, dont expect to master it entirely on your own unless youre super autistic about it
My most succesful strategy with Silent (currenty ascension 9) is to stack powers and learn when to play them. Basically you trade as little HP as posible to outscale every fight. Also if you get well laid plans, you can setup some really strong combos with concentrate + card draw.
I agree he is the hardest and most boring as he doesn't have so many always good cards as the others