>human perfection
Human perfection
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Only perfection in Mass Effect is blue. Accept no substitute, once you go blue, nothing else will do.
hell, i’d still hit it
I think it's pretty cute
>sweating Shepard.png
>human perfection
are cute
Samara > Liara
Not really, but Samara is patrician choice nonetheless.
In the concept art Miranda was blonde - was the change to black hair a good idea?
I think blonde would be better, considering Strazshfkgkfinsky is also blonde. Blonde with that black latex outfit would be also kino. But better yet would be, if they didn't fucked up her face so bad and didn't turned her into scifi shamone.
>human perfection
>barren womb
What are some essential mods to make ME3 playable? I haven't finished it since launch
I found these
Diana Allers BeGone (completely removes this stupid IGN journalist from the game)
Shorter Dreams (Remove starchild from the game pretty much completely), even in the intro with the vents
JohnP's Alternate MEHEM (reapers get btfo, synthetics are unharmed, no catalyst conversation, shepard lives, everything just werks)
Citadel Epilogue Mod (citadel DLC becomes an epilogue after finishing the main game)
Anything else I'm missing? There was also some cut conversation mod with Zaeed but I watched it on youtube because it might break the game. It's funny because it refers to him being approached by Cerberus with a new offer (in an early me3 script you would have fought zaeed).
You have experience with the last two ones? What's the quality of these? I remember early days of mods fixing the ending and it was usually trash.
>reapers get btfo, synthetics are unharmed, shepard lives, citadel becomes an epilogue
There are a fuckton of problems with ME3's ending and it's probably one of the worst endings in vidya if not all of popular fiction but those weren't problems with it
I'm convinced that if it was a happy ending with no sacrifice or heartbreak but was still retarded bullshit you still would have eaten it up as long as you got your fanservice slop
But her jawline makes up for it.
For me it's Ash
I've seen JohnP's Alternate MEHEM on youtube and its a fairly clear cut no bs ending that looks like it could be an official choice. No fanfictiony crap or new music.
this is the b version with no catalyst:
very clever and it just occured to me now that shepard breathing and surviving at the end makes sense as he is a cyborg after all and capable of hard punishment. In a perfect ending he's alive in the base game too, so this doesn't really retcon anthing.
Citadel epilogue I have no experience with nor the actual DLC but I've heard that this is the best way to play it.
ME3 has a ton of problems but it's also not very sophisticated. It doesn't need or deserve anything more than a disney ending where everyone lives happily ever after. They dropped the dark energy plotline so any sacrifice they would ask you to do in the game that shipped is completely artificial.
Removing starchild and the dreams from the game eliminates 70% of the issues it has. The remaing 30% consists of the TERRIBLE linear shooting gallery mission on earth where you can't see any of your cool war assets and the atrocious sidemissions which are just rehashed misisons from multiplayer.
>flat ass
>no tits
>annoying voice
>muh poetry autism
>flat ass
>no tits
U wot?
>annoying voice
It's not that bad.
>muh poetry autism
It's not like she spouts it all the time.
Nice, it looks bretty gud. I was looking into replaying whole trilogy, so I'll give it a shot. Thanks user, have blue tiddies.
This guy gets it.
That's cute, bucko.
Teeth imperfections unironically make woman more attractive.
>He doesnt have perfect teeth