Why are you not playing the goty?

why are you not playing the goty?

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I don't like chink games

goty? 87 is a goty? hah

it's exclusive to a garbage console

Because it's not on PC

>garbage console
it's not on switch amon

Because such renown philosophers as PIMCHAOS and GIANTMONKEYBUTT have insisted that it's better than the original and therefore I need to forget everything about the original game first.


>not turn based
>not the full game
>dumb new plot

Yeah nah i will wait till PS6 and get the completed edition if it turns out to be good, or so bad the story is worth seeing.

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yeah I know

>it's exclusive to a garbage console
but it's not on switch, m8

are you having a laugh? The combat looks great

>>not turn based
that's an improvement

being able to depict the visible outline of the areole through clothes is my fetish

lol keep up the copes

rent free

The ghosts

I'm not going to buy a ps4 just to play it. That's just silly.


The combats dog shit. Its just FF15 mashing again.

The combat is the biggest improvement over the original

Because it isn't

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Well the demo didn't make it feel fun, would have preferred a turn based with modern QoL like Bravely Default.

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have you played it? cus apparently it's not

it literally runs sub 25fps

Reviewers tend to lower the scores of animesque games and inflate the scores hollywoodesque games. After all, only Anglo press receives international attention.
Reviewers also tend to lower the scores of games that aren't made by Anglo developers (who they know personally and might be friends of them) or, at least, North Europeans.
If FFVII were an American game with a Hollywoodesque style its score would have been far higher.


It just wouldn't feel right on anything but the Sony PlayStation 4...

>can see panties from above
Why do weebs do this?
Have some fucking restraint

Quit talking out of your ass you dumb nigger, Persona 5 royal got a fucking 95 on metacritic.

I already played the better version

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It's not out yet.

imagine how bad it would run on the switch

>apparently it's not
>leap into the sky and start floating against flying enemies like KH
Yeah, it's shit

Just reached the part where Cloud leaves his apartment and time jannies are swarming everywhere. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT NOMURAAAAA

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>hit attack until the ATB bar is full, doing almost 0 damage and making normal attacks worthless outside of building meter
>use Ability of your choice to do 5% of the boss hp or 100% of a generic mob
>repeat until battle over
There's no real combos or satisfying action, it's just the "fill meter" button and "spend meter" menu. It's one of the shittiest action game systems ever, it's barely even an action game at all, just skinned like one. It's not fun as an action system, and it's got too many annoying extra steps to be fun as a turn based game. This middleground that it sits in is extremely unsatisfying on both ends.