Can anyone beat him?

Can anyone beat him?

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i thought he got beat a while ago
>you just gay now

Any Tekken player

his father probably

I can beat that faggot nigger tranny with this baseball bat lol

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

I beat him in a SFV ranked match and then blacklisted him without giving him a runback

blacklist him so you can't post proof amirite?

Aids and sickle cell

>Can anyone beat him?
AIDs will.

Did you know he/him is gay?

Is this the guy that is so brave that he said "fuck Trump" in the public?

Someone who doesn't give a shit about video games, much less autistic rhythm simulators that are "fighting" games.

Imagine realizing the only thing you are good at is pointless garbage.

>Look for his Twitter to see if he posted anything dumb recently after OP reminded me he existed
>Find his Twitch and he is live
>He isn't even talking to his chat, just sitting there awkwardly
Talk about autism, you are supposed to be entertaining when you stream and engaging the chat.

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It's actually kinda brave. I wouldn't do it and risk anyone believing I'm some deranged faggot freak.

what does that have to do with anything

The fucking title of the Stream! Holy Kek!
Is he really streaming live with that as his title?

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He didn't even make it out of pools in the last major DBFZ tournament, which is supposed to be one of his best games.

Does he have multiple personalities?


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Yes actually. He broke it down.

>Talk about autism, you are supposed to be entertaining when you stream and engaging the chat.
What did you expect? his only personality trait is :bein gay

how are lgbt people marginalized when multi-billion dollar mega-corporations are on their side


How is he so good??

I think so unironically. I think he has sonicfox and darkwolf or something. Its the sprite sonas that are in the corners of the stream in that pic.

How the fuck is he even gay if he's not even a man now
Just pick one and stick with you clout chasing tranny

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He is live right now. Sadly you need to follow for at least 30 minutes to chat.


sounds pretty fucking stupid

His husband

Sonicfox clearly just does/says stuff for attention at this point. Every couple of months he tacks something else onto himself on top of being a gay furry, so he probably just wants to be seen as degenerate as possible for whatever reason. Genuinely wouldn't surprise me if he says he's a diaperfag next.

based kamen rider

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He's only good at a couple fighters. The only reason this guy is being held up like some god of gaming is because he's a faggot and venues and corporations really want LGBBQ money.

He drowned in pools at the DBFZ world tour