Why is it okay to sexualize men in video games but not women?
Why is it okay to sexualize men in video games but not women?
>strong dirty, disheveled woman who don’t need no man with a thirsty half naked boytoy desperately hounding her
Is this the female version of Conan/Sword & Sorcery?
Will they stop being butthurt and let devs make games for men now?
Who fucking cares about women in 2020
It's not okay to sexualize nu-Jill because she's an ugly alcoholic roastie and we shouldn't give women the message that that's desirable or okay.
a shirtless guy is not sexualized.
Men like being sexualized.
Because weak men can't stand up for themselves when the roasties start bitching about pretty virtual women.
But Carlos thirsts for her even when she keeps giving him the cold shoulder. Basically the message of this game is that it's okay for women to shit on you silly boys ;)
Men admire the another men for their hard work.
Women despise other women that are prettier or wealthier than them.
I want to suck on them
Stand up for fucking whom, the whole male gender? Unlike women, each of whom thinks she can talk for half the population of the planet, men usually do not proclaim themselves the official representatives of entire masculine class. And also
>Men admire the another men for their hard work.
no, “we” don’t
who gives a shit about other’ people’s hard work?
That sculptured tummy, unf
So fuck off f*moid / tranny / basedaboy
not as much as women
have gay sex
don't reproduce
It's in the same vein as a woman walking around in a bikini showing off her body. That is sexy.
Because people are retards and hypocrites.
That is the society we created. Rules for thee but not for me.
Historical persecution of women by men, the objectification of women enforcing the patriarchy and its beauty standards, men being sexualized is punching upward while sexualizing women is punching downward. I don't believe any of this shit but thats what the answer is.
>caring about other people’s activities and getting an emotional reaction to them
ok soiboi
It is actually. It has just been baked into our societal norm to think it isn't. That is part of our culture.
because they're not fighting for equality
they're better than you so they deserve to be above you
you get less
It's okay to sexualise both. Individual women just men to only lust after them, and them alone, as it makes her feel valuable. Being replaced by a digital form of the perfect woman makes them feel a lot of feelings that society has been sheltering their egos from for the better part of a millennium.
Ok sociopath
Isn't that the exact same thing as Conan?
You know why.
Becsuse you're a retard
Because they dont get raped as much
>sjws are why devs don't pander to deranged incels
Learn how markets work you dumb shit
Different woman maybe
>Isn't that the exact same thing as Conan?
Why do you think I said “ Is this the female version of Conan?”
now post the shirtless Jill mod
why do you guys insist on making the same threads over and over?
Because the jews want you to be gay
Women are hypocrites
Because fuck you incel go make your own games if you're such a triggered bitch
Men and women have different sexual value. This is inherent in the nature of our reproduction and is why men compete while women choose.
All of the imbalances in our sexual dynamics stem from this.
Shut up roastie
I said nothing about muh sjws, faggot.
>how markets work
Here’s how it works, nigger:
>men always seeking to get in with women
>beta men always go the good guy/support route in hopes of getting sex
>beta men are also the main market for video games
>women start whining about muh objectification muh male gaze
>beta men go “y-yeah, I agree, I understand completely” and support the idiocy
>companies see their target demographic sporting out about the ebul patriarchy
>make games in line with the trend
Stupid fucking nigger faggot.
Been reading some Conan stories and he is hilariously Chad aside from his consistently described "square cut shoulder length hair".
I was also surprised at how funny they are a lot of the time, especially Conan absolutely seething over every friendly jibe and thinking about how they kill men for less back in CImmeria.
Men could start choosing surrogate women to have their own biological children instead of perpetuating this rigged game.
There is no reason to care about the majortiy of other people.
If you do then you're the mentally deranged one who will likely go on a killing spree trying to protect people from themselves thinking it's okay because you just want what's best for them.
Because nobody is allowed to criticize women
They could, but it's rooted deeply in our psychology. Women have to make a much greater investment of time, resources and risk into reproduction than men do so they will always be naturally more discerning. It's not worth getting mad over, just understand the nature of it.
It's the same mechanic that causes men to be stronger, faster and more physically capable on average too so it's not all bad. It just is what it is.
From the article
"Naturally, there are sexy mods for Jill as well. Shirtless Carlos deserves a special shoutout because I’m sure you can guess how the ratio of Sexy Jill to Sexy Carlos mods is skewed. Here’s yer (sexy) battlesuit Jill, bikini Jill, another bikini Jill, and swimsuit Jill."
You make it sound as if it takes some major psychological and emotional strain for you to appreciate someone's male form. If it really does - well, I'm sorry, but I assure you that is not the case for most people
most people like sexy women
only deranged trannies like you and ugly feminists dont
women have no self awareness
if we're talking about what's natural, then women wouldnt be able to choose, as men can easily overpower them
and that's how things used to work