Do you support any game developers on Patreon?

Do you support any game developers on Patreon?

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why should I

Fuck no.


oh god no...

do patreon sells games?

Im not retarded

did she snort a loaded cock


No, and anyone who does actively cripples western porn game development.

Kickstarter yes
Patreon fuck no, it's a shit format for vidya because it incentivises slow development.

(((Patreons))) are just the marks of lazy Soon™ developers that will most NEVER EVER finish their games.

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Only developers that make me coom. Thinking about it right now is making me want to coom.

>love cum in hair
>love cum in nose
>extremely rare

no because they'll never deliver a completed game in time
kickstarter is still scummy but acceptable

Is OPs picture from a game?

i don't buy unfinished products

That depends on whether you consider glorified vn a hame.

No but I do enjoy ToA....

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>support unfinished scams

finish a project first

to me VNs are games

I would if Majalis' updates weren't lazy as fuck.

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Any news on Akabur?

Last time I saw something from him was just that Harry potter game, very grindy and unfinished btw

yes but they're fetish games

Still the same

He made an even more unfinished and grindy game starring everyone.

Yeah, but it's not very good. Witch Trainer. It has only one good CG and you're looking at it.


Only one.

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if only there was any way to figure this out

KS yes, Patreon no. My Patreon is all music.

That's still a thing?

Kickstarter is still a thing yes?

What do you think KS is?

Fuck no, game "devs" on patreon are lazy little shits that barely do any work to warrant their monthly payout, sure maybe there are some that are actually decent human beings working on games but they are rare

No, supporting a game on patreon in most cases means you're gonna pay way more than you would have for a normally priced complete game, that's not a business model, that's charity.

Only the ones that are literary Kino

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