Game is set in a single room

>Game is set in a single room
Name 3 games like this

Attached: ニュールーマニア for PS2.jpg (423x600, 39.07K)

that one silent hill game? or is it an entire apartment?

my life

Silent Hill: The Room
Soul Sacrifice

Chibi Robo?

You leave the room a lot


Technically Odin sphere

this but corona reasons

Dont let it happen again.

if fantasies count then mario 2.

It's the whole apartment and many places outside the apartment including, funnily enough, Silent Hill itself. The "locked in your apartment" stuff is like 3% of the content of the game.

Korone has infiltrated Yas Forums

I'll try.

The Room
The Room 2
The Room 3

smash bros 64

Assassin's Creed games


to some extent Stanley Parable

Hard mode: no hub rooms which lead you outside the room.

Driver San Francisco

But you could interpret the otherworld as meaning the only "real world" location is Henry's apartment. That said there is the bathroom, the hidden room etc so technically not one room.

I was going to say Mr Mosquito but I think there's different rooms too.

Does va-11 hall-a have locations other than the bar?

Papers please happens mostly in the ticket booth, but you get descriptions of going home right?

Soul Sacrifice is a good one, whole game takes place inside a cage. In the same spirit, Assassin's Creed 1 kind of, if you count Desmon'd animus quarters as all one room.

Cooking Mama

Sword art online games

Those flash escape the room games

>Does va-11 hall-a have locations other than the bar?
Yes, You hangout at home, reading newspaper and /rule63/Yas Forums and customizing your apartment/room with your each day pay and there are a couple of events where people come in and hang out with you excluding the endings.
You also interact with a vending machine that sells various kind of beers or other beverages outside, somewhere but that's it.
90% of social interactions (the meat of the game along with the drinks mixing) in the bar are still the meat of the game.

Oil Panic
NES Jeopardy
Teletubies for PlayStation
Next time you pick a fight make me try a little harder you fucking joker

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Maybe clockwork knight?
Nights into dreams takes place in one room since you are a kid dreaming
Super Mario Bros 2 was all a dream in Mario's bed

Ironically, the Room 2 and 3 happen in different rooms

>Oil Panic
>takes place in one room
>when the entire gameplay is based on jumping around between rooms

Severely underrated comment

Links awakening?

I get it because he's in a coma lol

Why is she crying semen?