Games that are banned in your country

saudi arabia
>all wolfenstein games
>GTA 4 and 5
>mafia 2 and 3
>final fantasy dissidia
>dragon age inquisition
>dragon age 2
>all god of war games
>clash of titans
>prison architect
>the witcher 3
>yokai wa-tch
>heavy rain
>past cure
>bayonetta 2
>hitman absolution

Attached: wolfenstein youngblood.png (1167x658, 148.56K)

nigger the fuck are you doing playing games go buy a porsche and snort coke off a hooker's assholw like all other saudi

Lmao get fucked

I don't think he's the part of royal family, user

Imagine living in a cucked country lmao

none of that i know of.

Pretty much nothing.

>killing greek pagan gods is banned in SA

Most of these games are shit, so I guess you aren't missing out on much.

There is literally zero reason to live in a Middle Eastern country, absolute garbage every single one of them and then you get to step outside and get an instant sunburn

I can only remember a little whine from sone commie blogger about CoH and the recent MW remastered not being enable on snoystation 4, but not on the other platforms

are you british? the bonglanders are always red as clowns nose if i ever see them abroad. god damn i hate british tourists

I'm surprised how few there apparently are for the UK. Latest is from 2004.

>It was originally refused classification unless certain content was altered. But the content was restored and the restrictions lifted shortly after.

>The Punisher
>The version of the game that had been edited for the American market was further censored for the British release.

>Manhunt 2
>The uncut version was the only game to be refused classification by the BBFC (therefore banned), due to excessive graphic violence and cruelty.

So just Manhunt 2 I guess, though an altered version was released.

Sounds like most of US alright

I don't know if he's british or not, but it sure is funny to watch non-whites cry about how white skin doesn't turn brown on sun

Nothing really. zenimax lifted the ban on the steam version of nu-wolfenstein during december for whatever reason. you still could bought it physically and digitally on psn/xbox

Attached: file.png (435x292, 79.6K)

What? Since when has the US been one giant desert you jackass?

>forgetting about the greek influence on every abrahamic religion

Sure is funny watching sand niggers deal with 50 degree weather in their full winter gear

At least our women are not confused about what gender they are

That's odd, why would (((you))) ban the games about glorious jewish ancient technologies being used to bash the fash?

Aren't they all part of the royal family?

Your sandnigger detector is broken, I'm white

>zero reason
Except like, you know, loving your country or something?


>Numerous GTA games
>South Park stick of Truth
>Monster Girl Quest

Yeah, those sexy hairy apes hiding under bed sheets

>banning games
>in the Age of the Internet

Attached: mohammad_reincarnated.jpg (304x304, 43.68K)

I love my country but about to move into a better one

the fact is that it was never officially banned to begin with. zenimax probably thought it would receive some kind of customer criticism if they sold the game around here.

>wolfenstein is banned because "muh" nazis
>gta and rdr are banned because tits, drugs, illegal activity and niggers
>da games are banned because of being full of faggots
>witcher because of tits and all that
>the same for god of war and heavy rain
Not sure why other stuff from the list is banned though.

Attached: Thinking_3a01b4_6377584.gif (278x234, 44.87K)

>Monster Girl Quest
No... How dare they..

>Monster Girl Quest

>free healthcare
>government gives a shit about you
>free education, you even get an allowance if you enroll in collage to pay for your books and school supplies
>guaranteed government job if you have a degree
>high salaries
>no such thing as minimum wage
>nonexistent crime levels
>no drugs
>no degeneracy
>no faggots like you
goddamn it feels good to be saudi

>Being this much of a brainwashed moron

How's that tribalism working out for you?

Cope harder furry dogfucker. Of course your mind goes instantly to fucking hairy creatures, but can't lose an opportunity to project.

I'm not entirely sure about "no drugs no degeneracy" part, it's a problem for every single country nowdays

>Zero civil liberties

Cool story

imagine being anything but European

Notice how he doesn't deny it

He wasn't talking about the US, user
Am I European for living in a European part of my country? no, not a roach one

>no civil liberties = no point in protesting = another burden removed off my shoulders
>also no xirgender tranny faggots who think life should revolve around people knowing they chopped their cocks or what tumblr pronouns society should use

>patriot act
>all convenient gun restrictions
>red jew vs blue jew
"civil liberties"

First of all, you didn't deny being a dogfucker. Secondly, you are mentally retarded(probably from all the rabies and aids) and can't read, since I did of course deny it, when I said you were a coping dogfucker projecting your own zoophilia(which again, you did not deny).

triggered as fuck

enjoy getting fucked in the ass by the royal family and fed their scraps that you happily slurp off their cocks, pathetic and embarrassing

you sure talk a whole lot about fucking dogs for someone claiming someone else is projecting, like literally in every one of your posts

nothings banned in murrica, the greatest country in the world. unless it's not awesome enough.


Fuck all of your third world shitholes.

Attached: bakicoca.jpg (125x93, 2.12K)

>random person discussing video games mentions his location is saudi arabia
>go into instant rage and start spamming irrelevant off topic bullshit about saudi arabia
>still calls other people triggered

Based Saudis purging degeneracy.
Never let your women have rights user, it's all downhill from there.

Weak response. Too bad you have no shame, or you could've at least just stayed quiet from now on.