ITT: Video Game myths you fell for like a right fucking idiot

ITT: Video Game myths you fell for like a right fucking idiot

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Did you just turn18

hopefully no one above 18 is playing videogames

There were no myths in minecraft, the game is too new. Maybe Herobrine but that was just creepypasta bait

Dial 18

>you can save king and toroko bro
was pretty bummed when i found out it's bullshit

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"open world is good"

unlockable akuma in RE2

Megaman boots give you unlimited durability.

Attached: Covered_wars_you_know.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

>tried a recipe in minecraft
>didnt work
>shrug shoulders and go on with life

Yeti in San Andreas

Was this what dumb children lied about in school when Minecraft was the big craze?
Nobody above 20 just makes up shit in video games

Gold tunic in OoT.


One of my classmates told me I could cheese the first starscream bossfight in the Transformers Armada game by jumping on top of him. Wasted legit a few hours trying before I gave up.

Mew under the truck
that was disappointing

my friend got him there on emulator years later

>The game is too new

>Released in 2009

When I was 28

Semi related:
When I was 7 or 8 my daycare lady's oldest son literally worked at Nintendo and would bring the newest games over for us to play.
Goldeneye went missing one day and he told me it was ok because each cartridge had a GPS chip in them so he was going to find it one way or another.
Like 3 months later I asked him if he'd used the GPS to find it and he was stunned that I had believed him and told me he was just trying to scare the kids at the daycare into giving it back if they'd stolen it.
I felt like an idiot.

fuck off underageb&

There was a way past the faceless demon door in Fable.
Literal days of scouring through gamefaqs and using the shovel to try to dig through to the door didn't turn up shit. Biggest disappointment.

I miss being 12

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This girl who I was friends with told me that in Neopets, when you're going to a buy a house there's a secret button that lets you choose to buy a mansion instead. I sold my house in the underwater realm, thinking I could go buy a secret mansion. There was no secret mansion.

She also made up that if we wanted, we were able to work in her mansion and she would pay us 100 neopoints a day or something. I was a very gullible kid.

fuck off normalfag

Was Neopets a normal fag thing? Do not worry friend, I am an incel as much as you, though it doesn't particularly matter.

>You can wear goblin mail

>download and print a bunch of shit from gamefaqs
>cheats, exploits walkthrough etc.
>tells me i can chimpy charge through the wall in the first zone to skip a bunch of shit
>doesn't fucking work
>watch a speedrun almost 20 years later
>cunts are chimpy charging through walls to skip shit
felt robbed desu

Just outed yourself as underage fag.

Is this supposed to be a stealth Power Metal thread?

I still don't know if the Mew under the truck thing was real or not.

>Nobody above 20 just makes up shit in video games
Game journalists and leakers do it all the time. They even get paid for it.