>devs made PVP a bannable offence
What the fuck were they thinking?
Devs made PVP a bannable offence
And they do it for free
Only in popular servers.
You can go to the pvp zones but the technology level is shit
>other player wants to erp
>server mods say she's too much a noob to
It makes sense because the respawn system hasn't been implemented yet. Maybe some day in the Space expansion.
That only applies to open world pvp.
You can still do pvp, but it has to happen in the arenas, the jannies can't touch you there.
>Want to grind EXP by farming low level players
>Doing so is a bannable offense
>Take up "Babysitter" profession
>Kill gets tallied as negligence to admin
>Devs drop a patch and retroactively ban me
Shit game no grandfather clause.
>Sign up for PvP
>Players taking in game jobs have to pay for your gear, keeping your food/water/fatigue meter from reaching dangerous levels
>Don't even get a chance to get one kill
This is nonsensical
if only
>ffa pvp enabled since the very beginning
>faggot players screech and whine because no respawn that we know of for sure
>they develop a player-run convoluted system so it's basically a no go, even though still possible
>only really feasible in shit zones
>have really fun ideas what my character can do with his future
>he just sits around and pisses his life away
wtf is this bugged?
>Sign up for PvP
>Tally up a teamkill
>Get thanked for signing up for PvP by NPCs and other players PvEing.
what is your build bro
just go to active PvP zones you fucking nerd.
>Not joining a guild and getting paid to do it.
Why do shit players even sign up?
>joins a PvP guild
>gets perma debuffed with PTSD
>dies in a PvP disabled zone because you're too unstable
i shiggy.
I dumped all my points into fat and retarded
>>gets perma debuffed with PTSD
>He didn't pick up the sociopath or sadism perk
No, now we know you're shit.
Dude that's one of the best builds for afk farming, but you can't do anything else, so you should really set up and alt for that stuff
yeah might just delete it and reroll
>he picked memeskills that are only applicable in hyperniche situations with low payoff
oh nonono
not getting any new quests after level 21, anyone know how to fix?
You did the dating sidequest, right?
>Can grief and get dishonor kills (Killing defenseless n00bs) on other players without mental debuffs
Sounds like you didn't stack your deck properly jimbo, let me guess, you got a "Boy scout" perk card so you can feel good about helping other shit players
Not him, but I was told only degenerates did it at sub-18, I can't find it anymore though...
>kills noobs in PvE server
>gets capped by the jannies for breaking the law
>has to reroll and play through the tutorial again
good luck with that build user. you're gonna need it.
You rolled shit stats.
How do I git gud?
You wanna tell us about it?
actually, if you want to do this sorta build with more success, why dont you just go the serial killer route? you dont even have to go join a PvP guild or sign up for firearms in the forums.
The only way you can get caught is if the player voted mods decide to put in a patch.
And with this Viral outbreak world event it's not gonna happen.
Sounds to me like you're just scared of PvP, user.
It is honestly better that way. End game PvP is complete dogshit. Low tech is soul.
Oh man you got rused hard
Yet another game full of ugly women. The fuck is wrong with devs?
I was making yoke, I never signed up for PvP
>Grief IRL
>Get physically assaulted
>Proxy grief forums
>Can't tell if I actually made someone mad or if they're yanking my chain too
Just dumping everything into strength now, tired of proxy griefing.
jannies are only on break because of the virus world event user, when it dies down in the next expac jannies would be on their toes. besides, everyone is at their homes because this world event might wipe your PC without any warning, so you wont even get many targets to grief.
You need to hop servers
Good luck getting past the borders though
How to unlock relationship quest?
>Kill janny
>Subscription time stolen
Defend this
This new season is kind of crap
Why the fuck would anyone pump strength with the bullshit ranged weapons can do?
>tried the dating sidequest in the high school level
>failed miserably
>sidequest partner uninstalls the game
>never touched touched the sidequest again
>Virus world event
>everyone just stays in one place and grinds their skills
What the fuck was the point of this shit
It's ok, I'm brown.
They are just working on a new ladder, it's always kind of crap when they reboot the game.
>devs suddenly announce temporary disabling most training activities for no fucking reason
>xp decay still in effect
This is such fucking bullshit. I'd been busting my ass on the STR and END grind for three months and now it's all gone. I'd even bought the xp accelerators from the cash shop
>Not just griefing players that can't obtain ranged weapons.
Just use your brain dingus
Has anyone made it to the final boss yet?
Dude fuck that questline seriously