Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain

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Ten man Risky 2. 109775240985120518
>Bigger Bazaar
>Enemies with items
>Press E to pick up items
>Players can join at any time

You need this, extract its contents to steamapps/common/Risk of Rain 2 mediafire.com/file/czw31tjialuvjl6/BepInEx.zip/file

Any tips for doing the "Huntress: Piercing Wind" Challenge?

huntress has a large fanny

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1.0 release when

end of june

>Command, Glass, Kin
>default M1
>hope Kin doesn't spawn Wisps on map3
>use headphones and listen to where enemies spawn and kill them immediately
>pick up all items AND drones in maps 1 and 2
>get a Hopoo Feather and a couple of GOATs, two Brooches and then dump the rest of the items to dmg (attack speed is probably the best)
>sprint and hold M1 at all times
>do not be afraid to walk out of the teleporter zone in map3 to avoid dmg
it's pretty easy to be honest family man


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Wiped, open.

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I got it way back when the prismatic trial was set on that level. Just rushed and lucked through.


too bad that skill sucks very very hard

Its actually really damn good, but it isn't better than losing almost all of Merc's i-frames.

It works pretty well with brainstalks.

Rose Buckler should get a small bit better the faster you sprint

That...would be a considerably large nudge. Too large, given the interests of hopoo.

it's already a top 3 green

eh, not as good as razorwire, missiles, either of the rings, wisp, feather, uke, fuel cells or guillotine.

guillotine, razorwire, buckler

the best type of armor:Spider mine armor

Attached: Yea.jpg (1600x900, 362.02K)

any tips?

no, uke would certainly be before buckler, especially since there's a white item that does better at reducing lower, rapid damage

30 repulsion armor


Should I play this with my friends if I want a fun co-op game?

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Drizzle, command and maybe swarm. Stack topaz brooches (5 should be enough) and then damage and movement. Never stop killing shit to keep up your barrier, that's how I did it.

Almost done. I'm leaning towards disabling it entirely because it's giving me a fucking headache; the benefits of quicker Sacrifice aren't worth it when we're using the damn Bazaar.

>people are now unironically going to recommend doing challenges on drizzle+command
How did we get here?

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now try it with chaos on

Group up the beetles by standing in a ledge.


Finally open, new code:

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preetty sure i'd eventually kill everyone , myself included with chaos

Attached: Yea.jpg (268x126, 14.49K)

>people unironically consider wisps a serious threat on glass
if you only knew how bad things really are



All these drizzlets and rainstorm babies

What's this about destroying the infestation in starstorm? I'm jumping like a retard across the whole stage and can't find shit.