The only way Flash loses is if he secretly has the 'rona.
Korea time
based on the way they've both been playing recently I think queen is the favorite here, but I'd still prefer to see flash advance
even in dreams mini is still bullied
i can't snack, i need to conserve booze and letting food soak it up is a waste
I love zerg, but even I am hoping for Flash to smash. I still think he sandbagged the shit outta Action.
I'm a 9 all the way baby.
>no inner coven
>the only other meme map hitchhiker is map 5
Fuck I'm so hype for today
Flash vs Queen is going to be great
I hope it goes to another 3-2
Did anyone watch Tasteless' stream? He's surprisingly good for not having played in a long time. He hovers around 250-300 APM which is impressive for his wrist
Artosis is so passionate he gets so bitchy it's hilarious. Passion-anger are two sides of the same coin.
Holy fucking shit, I needed that. Based Artosis.
>I think queen is the favorite here
Flash is always the favorite when it comes to Broodwars. Queen does have a serious chance though.