And Squaresoft went bankrupt just a couple of years later.
And Squaresoft went bankrupt just a couple of years later
Cos of the shitty movie Sakafuckwit made.
Which happened because of the cutscenes in Final Fantasy VII, yeah.
Oh, and
>Blaming Sakaguchi
He was the only reason these games were as good as they were.
Didn't he have very little to do with the movie and was just the fall guy?
Sakaguchi is the only reason there ever was good Final Fantasy
PS1 sold 3 times more than N64
PS2 sold 8 times more than GC
i'd say square did a pretty good job
Yeah, ya know, until Square had to force a merger with Enix to stay alive. Nintenchads won in the end.
True, Tactics was good.
What games did Enix have? I only ever hear about the Square side of things which is odd since they were the ones that got into money trouble.
Dragon Quest.
What you have to understand is that Sony doesn't make money off of Playstation. They're a huge corporation that put hundreds of millions into marketing and trying to destroy Nintendo.
Remember Spirits Within?
EVO Search for Eden was one of their funner non-DQ games back on super Nintendo, same with ActRaiser
Does it matter when the entire company went to shit a few years after this happened?
oh so you're saying nintendo actually won those generations?
PS1 and 2 where good
PS3, 4 and 5 suck
How many N64 or GC games were as expensive to make as FF7-X?
nintendo went to shit after the SNES
Quite handily. Turns out that pirated games and third party releases don't make the platform holder very much money.
>2006 Sony
What happen
producing all those ps3s at a loss, I'd imagine
Don't talk to me or my lolis ever again
They did actually. Consoles broke even and the handhelds made money. And the Wii killed it.
What you have to understand is that Sony has to spend significantly MORE to reach the same kind of success that Nintendo does regularly. Just compare Horizon and BOTW. BOTW was made on a much smaller budget, much more quickly, was a much better game, and sold significantly more. Horizon quickly reached the point where it had to be given away to remain relevant fairly quickly. This policy extends to their consoles too. You may laugh at their 'underpowered' hardware but Nintendo actually makes money off of hardware sold, something that Playstation has never been able to manage.
These things do matter.
PS3 have no gaems
Woah, a company tries to beat a competitor?? I'm going insaaaaane this is craaaaazy
because that movie, not because nintendo is strong. they're not.
Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, Terranigma trilogy...
>Gamecube won the the 6th gen
>When it sold worse than the first Xbox
Go to sleep tendie
kitase made the good ff games
>tendie seething thread
>Trying to be pro consumer
>By caring in their own interests
And here we are decades later; prices raised, they went to the shitter and the general consumer lost. Suit hipocrecy....
The only good thing that came out from it was Square literally shat gold in that decade.
I'm surprised Nintendo didn't go bust like Sega did. Letting Playstation exist by ignoring their offer. Getting butthurt at Square because Nintendo 64 was too weak for what they envisioned the next gen JRPG at the time to be.
Yeah let's just forget that there's tons of pirated Wii games too. Does this mean that the PS3 won in the end?
Sony "won" by destroying every momentum they had with PS1 and PS2 only to never look back