Name the most filler and padded JRPGs ever. And no not all JRPGs have extreme padding.
Name the most filler and padded JRPGs ever. And no not all JRPGs have extreme padding
Nonoe of you played it but Dragon Ball Z on the NES had LITERAL DAYS OF FORCED GRINDING just to get past the first boss Raditz. There's no miracle like in the manga; his PL is 1400 and yours has to be too.
Very disappointed with that manga. I expected more ecchi stuff and it got really boring really fast instead.
Why do Americans into incest?
Octopath Traveler
sauce nigga
Haven't played many RPGs in the last 15 years but the two that stood out were Xenoblade and FFXV
I don't think you understand what padding is.
Because all that everyone is waiting to happen is to see if he will bang his mom at any point which i don't think he does
persona 5
Yakuza series.
completing the main story is only 7% completion sometimes and the hours of cut scenes
GOD I wish that were me and my mom
Trails of series aka Kiseki
Literally the most padded JRPGs i've ever played
9 games with 3 games worth of story
'Do you love you more and her multihit normal attack' or something like that. Google something similar it will come up. Its weird and iseki are everywhere now, but she is fucking adorable and it has some solid jokes.
Breath of Fire comes to mind and its non-stop random battles.
He looks like a blob with an armpit
She's not even his real mom, she's a nurse that adopted him after his real mom abandoned him after giving birth
I don't understand what point you're trying to make. I was talking about ecchi stuff, not outright smut.
I'm 11 hours in to Persona 5 and I'm still being railroaded and having tutorials thrown in my face. Considering selling it because pretty much everything here feels like a downgrade from P3. I must've already seen that all out attack animation 200 fucking times.
I wanted him to bang all the other moms. Mainly Medhi's.
ff7 remake
you literally have to replay the first half of the game for (((reasons)))
I think the main story is actually worth 0% completion in Yakuza games. At least, in Y0 it's like that.
It's kind of blue balling that the series constantly teases you with the possibility that they might fall in love but it never happens
just curious, did he fuck his mom in the LN?
Because it's hot and pure
No you don't. You refight 4 bosses 4 times. Which still sucks, but you make it sound like you have to replay the main quest, cutscenes and all, again, which isn't true.
Holy shit, you're right.
FF7 refund
Persona 5
The teasing wouldn't have been the problem as long as they kept up the content from the first few releases.
so it was an adaptation of Harlan's work
His lesser known prequel, I Have No Milkies And No Cream
Lufia 2 is literally 80% filler and I love it
this absolute trash actually got another season?
Man. I wanna knock that fag down to the ground and fuck his mother as he watches.
It's funny. They lynch people for fucking their cousins while everyone and their mother masturbates to (western) incest porn and incest hentai. Soon americans will come out of the closet and just fuck their siblings, it can't be long. They've already started admitting their lgbt and zoophilia/furry lusts.
This is the only way I can see it. I don't even know what the normal perspective is supposed to be.
It's simple. His other arm is blocking it and he's justified toward the viewer. The problem is that his other arm is his COOOOMING arm and therefore at least 8x larger than his other arm.