How the fuck isn't he the real main villain of FF7

How the fuck isn't he the real main villain of FF7

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Because he is the main villain of Dirge of Cerberus LOL

>most recognisable japanese character
>give him a huge nose
What did they mean by this

because the lovecraftian demon summoning a meteor to wipe out all life is worse

Just because he created Sephiroth doesn't mean he's the bigger bad of the two


He would be Wutaian descent.

But he created him with his seed

Hojos a japanese name. Like Shinra is japanese.

I really hope they won't cut out the scene of him just hanging on the beach with some hot girls and not giving a fuck what Cloud does as it's not his worktime

Finished it literally yesterday and man, I lost my shit towards the end.
A lot.

That labcoat looks ridiculously stiff

He is. He's the prime motivator for everything bad that occurs.

i agree, even though he seems smalltime by the end he's still essentially the root of everything

man hojo is my favorite character. mostly because he cucks vincent, my other favorite character. not because i'm into cuckolding, I just think that the situation is funny.

And there's no japan in FF7 world, only Wutai.

Wutai is chinese and Midgar is Japanese/British.

I can kinda live with that scene on first playthrough but then you end up revisiting Midgar and you fight Hojo as a boss. It's so weird. I think Hojo might have been written only as a minor villain up to that point.

I think because jenova and sephiroth are more catastrophic. But if i remember correctly hes one of last boss fights, so he definitely part of the of the main villain chain

Those proportions are hilarious. Everything is absolutely shit these days, it's actually incredible.

Main villain should be Jenovo

* creepy ancient evil alien goddess
* nearly wiped out the Cetra on her own
* strongest characters in game only that way due to receiving hers cells

Why the fuck would they create something so badass then give her such a pathetic role?

Attached: Jenova.jpg (664x637, 44.57K)

He was only able to do what he did because Shinra enabled him, and Shinra exists because of capitalism so that is the real villan


In the original game it was all about a cult of Jenova and Edea from FF8 was the villian leading the cult lol

He is. Sephiroth might be Darth Vader of 7, but Hojo is Palpatine.

Jenova is the main villain. Sephiroth is Jenova.

>proud warrior nation subjugated by foreign invader and turned into a tourist trap
>not Japan

Yes he fucking is. He is far worse than Sephiroth and anyone else in this game. There is not even the question about it.
Everything wrong in this game is thanks to Hojo. Everyone's trauma, including Sephiroth's own, starts with Hojo. Hojo is the direct cause of everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, wrong in the game.

No he's not. Hojo is a foolish scientist who resurrected an ancient evil then mistook it for his son. His role in the story is utterly pathetic.

Sephiroth, the product of Shinra and Jenova is the embodiment of the cancer devouring the planet. Literally, Sephiroth is sipping up all the lifestream throughout the game and his plan is to speed it up.

Wutai is both China and Japan mixed combined.
Tseng is clearly meant to be fantasy Chinese while character like Yuffie is clearly meant to be fantasy Japanese. Both are from Wutai.

>forcing an animal to breed with a human girl
He is a coomer

Its pretty clearly shown Wutai is chinese and Shinra is like Weyland-Yutani from Aliens
Tseng is chinese, Hojo is Japanese, Yuffie is a mutt.

>tfw Sephiroth is too gay to breed Aerith

Hojo is the main villain of FF7. You kill him at the climax of disc 2 and the rest is just cleaning up his mess.

Jenova is just a virus. We don't even know if it's sapient or not.

>No he's not. Hojo is a foolish scientist who resurrected an ancient evil then mistook it for his son.
Nope. Hojo got onto Jenova project because he was tired of being in Gast's shadow. Once Gast discovered who Jenova was, he fucked off when he realized that Hojo isn't going to stop. Hojo refused to stop with the project despite knowing the truth about Jenova because of his damn pride and butthurt about Gast.
He literally sacrificed his own child for the project just to try and stick it up to Gast. Nothing more and nothing less. When Sephiroth went mad and did shit he did, Hojo was proud that his experiment is having such great reaction. When Jenova fucked off, Hojo again gave zero shit. When Sephiroth came back, Hojo's only goal was to make sure that his so-called experiment reaches its full potential at the expense of the entire world. He gave no fuck for world, or for Sephiroth either. He just wanted to see his experiment in its full glory.

Sephiroth is Jenova's sapience

To be honest the original game did a good job of bluring the line between either "Sephiroth is doing this because he is a nutjob or Jenova is pulling the strings" You didnt know for sure.
Hojo should be the main villain in the way Pontiff Sulyvahn should be the final big bad of DS3 because the whole plot loops arround the shit they did to others to push them into villains.

He did originally, but Nojima cockblocked him by inserting his own oc, Zack, in his place.

Because he has no long, homosexual hair? Are you new to SE games or just stupid?

Pic related is

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DS3 doesn't really have any villains though, because the world is decaing on its own. FF7 is similar yet different, because JENOVA's just some random The Thing-virus that arrived from outer space. Like, is Lavos the villain? Yes.

Came here to say this lmao

He saw that experiment as his own son, which for a scientist is technically true, but his experiment carried the will of an immortal alien curse on the planet and all worlds. In the end Hojo's role is nothing more than a pawn meddling with forces he didn't understand until after he carried out his experiment.

It's because he doesn't have the means to be as dangerous as Sephiroth. During the raid on midgar he still gets a three part bossfight and he also has the sick Jenova theme. I'd wager his villainousness was not underestimated.

You got first part mixed up. So-called experiment WAS his son, but Hojo never saw him as said son! Hojo only saw him and treated him as just EXPERIMENT despite the fact that was his actual SON.
When Hojo calls Sephiroth as his son finally in the end, he doesn't do it out of fatherly love, but out of spite. Spite that his said son (experiment) always looked down on him while worshiping Gast, Hojo's mortal enemy. In those moments Hojo is laughing like a maniac with pure venom of how he would love to see Sephiroth's face upon finding out that he was his father. Not because Hojo cared about him as such, but because he wanted to see Sephiroth suffer even more because he dared to prefer Gast over him.

Hojo - Jenova - Sephiroth forms the trinity of villains in 7. Rufus is just some guy.

Jenovo. You know, from the DRM.

You could say that but both Hojo and Sulyvahn speed up things and doomed even more people over petty shit.For example take Hojo out of the game; it means no Sephiroth, no meteor, no Zack or Cloud. Jenova would be there but forever contain and never set free after Gast found it.
He is pivotal to make the plot work hence he is the main villain.