What's your race in SC 2?

What's your race in SC 2?

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None because I don't play shit RTS games made by neo-blizzard with plastic toy aesthetics.

Zerg. Or at least, it was. Hivemind was cool. But then that stupid Korriban whatever came along and they humanized the whole thing. What was supposed to be a simple, logical, workerbee race devoid of the Protoss ego and the Human bullshit, just came more of Human bullshit with god complex ego.

I really don't understand why they have to do that with every fucking game. There's enough retard ego drama out there as it is, would be nice to get some dispassionate, logical robot entertainment for once.

Could there a be a post more worthless than this? No.


Yours with your thread included.

>tfw can't decide on what race to play
>protoss has cool as fuck robots
>zerg can remax in a nanosecond
>terran also has cool as fuck robots


Protoss Master Race
Zerg mad
Terran jelly

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Dumpster tier
Just wait til BW in 30 minutes

None because I find SC 2's gameplay with the retarded bs busywork mechanics like "muh larvae injection" and "muh mules" etc to be incredibly fucking annoying.

Plus SC2 has a massive deathblob problem SC1 didn't have. SC2 combat is also so fast that entire armies can be wiped out in under 2 seconds if someone just lands an ability the right time, which isn't exiting at all to watch because there is no real chance for the other player to even react to something so fast.

In short, SC2 is shit, and has none of the features I liked in the original Starcraft.

to play or watch*

"busywork mechanics" are inherent to rts

If you want to win, Zerg.
If you want to earn your wins, Terran.
If you want a 100% winrate against terran, Protoss.

Blizzdrones on my Yas Forums? It could be more likely than you think!

You must be too young to remember how big it was in esports back in the day.

Underage shitposters leave

Biggest brainlet tier post I've ever seen

No they aren't.
There is no comparable bs busywork in Supcom for example.
In supreme commander, you don't have to go back to your base ever 30 seconds to click a few buttons to boost your economy.
Supcom allows you to chain up commands for large scale troop movements to construction of entire bases, automate production and unit transportation via the ferrying system, and generally actually focus completely on the grander strategic level of your plans, instead of having to constantly go back to your base to do some retarded busywork that could easily be automated.

There is nothing strategic about larvae injection or any of the other "macro mechanics". It is not a mechanic that couldn't be automated, it is just something the devs put into as an artificial APM sink. You aren't making a strategic choice by making a queen jizz all over a hatchery, you are just either playing optimally by doing it consistently, or not playing optimally by not doing it consistently. There is no fucking reason for that mechanic to be in the game other than satisfy the autistic need for "muh macro" of e-sports fags that think that going back to your base to click a fucking button ever 30 seconds has anything to do with strategy.

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Meant for

Nigger what?

This post was supposed to be quoting

How the fuck was a post you made before my post possibly supposed to be quoting a post that I hadn't even posted yet?
Tell me your secrets time traveler! Pls take me back to 1936 Germany so I can warn Hitler about this cursed future!

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>terran virgin wants to know how a ZergChad time travels
Only when you defeat me in combat. Speaking of which does anyone want games? I reinstalled SC2 after about 3 years of not playing

when you try to push "arguments" like this hoping nobody played the game you're talking about, all that's gonna happen is you embarassing yourself
queueing build orders and babysitting troops is all over supcom

ALL rts come with "busywork mechanics"

Kind of related are there any RTS games with an active multiplayer that are actually fun to play?

Random, eat shit niggers, I 12 pool/proxy rax/proxy robo allin every game against Protoss.

M8, Zerg were my fav race in SC1. I only hate them in SC2 because I fucking detest the queen mechanic utterly.

I am not talking about queing up build orders and babysitting troops. I am specificially talking about the artificial macro mechanics itroduced to SC2 like chrono boost, mule drop and larvae injection, out of which I especially hate larvae injection the most, because it is something that could literally be fucking automated and no strategic depth would be lost at all in the game.

I'm not against micro or other interactions in the game that actually involve you making decisions and thinking about why and what you are doing/gonna do. There is no such thinking when it comes to the "macro mechanics" of SC2 aka larvae injection etc. At no point is there a moment in SC2 where you go "hmm, I should probably save energy with this queen instead of just injecting larvae". It is always the same action you take and the only reason it isn't automated is because the devs decided to make it something you are forced to do.
It is like if you had to always order your drones back to deliver the minerals they have collected to the hatchery, and order them back to harvest resources again. Boy that would sure increase the APM of the game, wouldn't it?

SC 2
SC 1
AoE 2 I hear is great from my friend


How asshurt at Blizzard for screwing Broodwar 8 years ago can you possibly be to go into sc2 threads and shit them up?

>automate mechanics that use energy which can be spent on alternate things
there there shitter, no need to embarrass yourself even further

The macro mechanics aren't even balanced. Terran and zerg have to pay for orbitals/queens and wait for them to complete. Protoss gets chrono for free and starts with enough energy to immediatly use it.

Yes you'd almost think the game is designed around aysmmetrical multiplayer

I'm asshurt at Blizzard for every decision they've made in the past decade

Offers still open if anyone wants games, just tell me your bnet
hey bronzie, just keep playing and you'll get better

There's asymmetry and then there's disparity.


So no one wants games? Do you guys actually play or just watch streams and pretend you're totally an epic boomer doomer

Is a 2010 release really nublizzard?

I'm bad and I don't want to lose horribly, plus I'm watching ASL.

I'm terrible too and the only way to get better is to play

It absolutely is. Anything and everything blizzard released after and including the burning crusade is nublizzard. It's just people were too stupid to notice the rot that started there but it was there.

And 9 times out of ten, there is absolutely no fucking reason not to do the fucking larvae jizzing or mule dropping.
I don't get how anyone can be autistic enough to tolerate that sort of "haha button go click" retardation that are the SC2 macro mechanics. They don't fucking DO anything besides boost your economy/unit production by you clicking a button every once a while. You don't make a strategic decision about clicking that button, it is just a matter of having the "dicipline" of maintaining the schedule of going back to click that button.
How the fuck can you stand that sort of annoying autistic shit?


No, I don't want to play SC2, because I fucking hate it, like I said already.
I detest everything blizzard did to that game and how they killed that franchise.


100% are you retarded?

Not an argument retard.

>everyone complaining about SC 2 literally doesn't play
Fucking hell it's just like fighting games

Why the fuck would I play a game I hate?

You hate it because it's clear you refuse to get better
However being this is Yas Forums it's easy to just say "heh i prefer the old stuff im so epic" instead of actually improving

>it's "just" about having the discipline

>You hate it because it's clear you refuse to get better

Yes, in the sense that I don't want to waste my time to "learn" how to go click a button ever 30 seconds so I don't fall economically behind in the game. It is not fucking strategic at all and when there are strategy games that don't have such retarded mechanics out there, why the fuck would I play SC2?

Deserts of Kharak for example, was far more interesting experience to me than SC2 with it's retarded esports oriented mechanics ever could hope to have been.

Plus, I fucking detest the way SC2 treated the lore, aesthetics and story of Starcraft. It is not just the gameplay I hate about SC2. It is pretty much everything outside of perhaps voice acting that pisses me off about it.

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