What other games do movement really well?

What other games do movement really well?

Attached: Ori_and_the_Will_of_the_Wisps.jpg (300x300, 178.63K)

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jak and daxter is always a blast to move around in

frankly you can't do wrong with most actual platformers
the entire genre is built around movement

dead cells

Super Meatboy
Doom (all of them)
Hollow Knight
Risk of Rain 1

>Risk of Rain


I miss the days of 3d platformers.

cloudbuilt. It's not 2d, but the main point of the game is traversal.

Prince of persia trilogy scratched this itch for me when I was young. Rayman Origins/Legends are fun but not as in-depth as ori.

Not pic related, that's for sure.
Of all the things they neglected to fix in the sequel, ignoring the movement was a dumb idea.
The game is still pretty good, though.

lol holy shit you have to be baiting me

What? If there's something Ori always did well was the movement.


Silent Bomber

Mirror's Edge
Katana Zero
Tribes Ascend

The tranniest game ever

That was slow as hell.

There's a post above mine that transcends buzzwords and is so absurd that it made me go crosseyed for a minute. I can't even click on it directly to give it the (You) it deserves, I'd go blind.

explain yourself

Attached: thonk.png (1200x992, 144.11K)

The games your mother and I play in bed.

Can't play it on the Shitstation 4.

>Sunset Overdrive
Maybe Sony will give us a sequel.

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Rain World. Simple with hidden depths, absolutely none of it progression-gated.

>Super slippery boy

He can't, just spouting the latest insults/buzzwords.

Attached: OriYouLikeJuggling.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Nobody has said Super Mario Odyssey yet?

Come on.

Any 2d metroid after 2, but before that Nintendo Metroid 2 remake

SMO is the DMC4 of jumping

Not them, but Ori 1 genuinely had better movement.
Actually came to this thread to post SotN. I don't think it's as amazing as people say, but Alucard really does feel amazing to control.

I dispute this claim. Most of Ori 2's new movement tools feel amazing (grapple, sand dive, and water exit jumping), the only real issue is that Launch so catastrophically breaks it.

That one Mario 64 2D game in newgrounds
There's ways to exploit it but...