What games have protagonists that start going insane

What games have protagonists that start going insane.

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Yas Forums

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Have you already bought your rifle, incel?

Attached: 1528607490808.png (603x406, 417.56K)

What's your game?

start going, already was, same thing

Attached: did_someone_say_murder.jpg (1280x720, 68.49K)

take your meds

why did they do him like that? he was a bro.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x250, 1.95M)

How's my post related to that? Take your meds schizo


Drakengard. Oh wait he was always insane even in the beginning.

Wait a minute, what happened to this guy? Last part I remember of him is when they sneak out from the new forms to hang out and he was still technically sane.

>millennials(gen y) growing up.png

t. consoomer

what comic?

Where can I buy it?
I don't know, I just grabbed the Image off of TVTropes.

It's Gunnerkrigg Court but this guy is just a side character and rarely appears

Did the chinese girl dropped the taco love interest to fuck MC by now?

>insane means grinning, tics, giggling and being violent

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have you ever been so mad you ripped your own head off?

Attached: AlbedoHead.gif (300x215, 3.05M)


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It's an obscure freeware game

Gunnershit Fart, one of the accursed webcomics eternally spammed on Yas Forums

Do you mind giving me the link?

The site hosting it closed down, I'm sorry.

Well shit. Thank you, anyways.

Any games like this with a female protag? I need some material.

Based and breivikpilled

have you
most mass shooters are hapas like you

>this is what Yas Forumscel actually believes