Will there ever be a game as impactful and everlasting as Skyrim? Game is almost 10 years old and it's still relevant and being ported to every single electronic device ever. To this day there's still really nothing like it, the same level of freedom and organic story telling, the possiblities of modding etc, it put the RPG genre on the map when before it was just a niche genre that only a small fraction played.

Witcher 3 was really great but I don't think it will be talked in 2030 or so while Skyrim will always bring people together to reminisince about the good old days, or the "golden age" as some people call it, myself included.

Webm sort of related, its fucking Skyrim.

Attached: nintendo-power.webm (640x640, 1.36M)

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shut the fuck

Fuck me, im glad i did not have internet as a child, or i might have posted something just as retarded for all the world to see.

I'm 21.

Telling us that doesn't help you.

Eh, still only barely out of your teens

>googling my old usernames

biggest mistake. I was alwsys a cringe lord

The games you played when you were 12 are the best video games ever created. It's true for everyone.

You saying all the 100/100 reviews are fake? What about the number of ports it has had? The sheer size of the modding community that's still active 10 years later? I get it's hip to hate popular things here but it's fucking Skyrim.

Post screens

That's embarrassing. Just stop, dude.

Portal 2 really is the best game of all time though

>but it's fucking *popular game that sucks*

Sky rim is one of the greatest games of all time you dingus, up there with Zelda and the likes

Why does he look the exact same 6 years later?

>You saying all the 100/100 reviews are fake?
Yes, publishers pay off reviewers. Are you sure you're 21?

>What about the number of ports it has had?
Number of ports determines quality?

>The sheer size of the modding community that's still active 10 years later?
Yes, and as I was old enough to have an understanding of shit video games when it came out I also understand that it was unplayable until it was modded.

>I get it's hip to hate popular things here but it's fucking Skyrim.
>>>reddit. Skyrim has been shit on here since it came out for being as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle.

>Will there ever be a game as impactful and everlasting as Skyrim?
pic related

Attached: sensiblehuh.jpg (393x294, 128.16K)

Skyrim was never good. its an extremely shallow rpg with shit combat and itemization. not to mention how downright ugly and broken the game is. it was a casual rpg aimed towards casuals who had never played a video game before.

so when you hear people say that they enjoy skyrim, it is most likely due to the fact that they played it at a young and impressionable age where they didnt have a single game to compare it to.

which blew up more dark souls or skyrim?

I look the exact same as I did 10 years ago. I'm gonna look the same 10 years from now. It's what happens when you take care of yourself.

atleast dark souls influenced other video games.

I can't be the only one who hates with all his soul that artstyle.

he has aspergers. the same reason chris chan draws himself very unrealistically. people on the spectrum are like this.

It’s true for manchildren, maybe. Adults can reevaluate stuff from their childhood, and learn to like things they didn’t back then.

Why do you?

its true for every single human who ever lived. they look back at the things they enjoyed in their youth with rose colored goggles. its an evolutionary trait.

this my family are convinced that I don't age

Soulless and shameless is Buzzfeed's bread and butter.

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I finished skyrim for the first time literally 5 days ago. its 8/10.

+1 upvoted Skyrim is shit gave up after the thieves guild and the snow wizard college, just couldn't force myself through any more of the tedium

Are the previous games actually worth trying if I don't like Skyrim? They always get their praises sang here it seems

Still a boring ass game.

oblivion is the same shit as skyrim. morrowind is a bit more interesting due to how much freedom they give you but its a rough game to play.

>not a kid
Pick one

Kys autist

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This. No one copied Skyrim.

download my coomer mod

Except I literally looked at stuff from my childhood and found some lacking, while other things I previously considered bad I could now appreciate. Stop trying to use evolution to excuse the fact that you’re a manchild.

If the number of ports makes something better, RE4 is way better than this shit. And it is.

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If you’re over 24 and still on Yas Forums I actually pity you. That’s genuinely sad as fuck.

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stop straw manning me. i said people look back at the things they enjoyed in their youth with rose colored goggles. if you deny this you're a retard.

i don't know i laughed at this
should i be killing myself or?

That's true for everyone except me. My opinions are actually right.

>it put the RPG genre on the map when before it was just a niche genre that only a small fraction played

Attached: 1285822292540.png (562x562, 303.88K)

Well fuck me. I'm gonna be stuck looking like I do now?