Skyrim is saved once again
Skyrim is saved once again
It needed to die user
Why do Skyrim modders think turning the combat into Dark Souls will fix the game? There are other ways to make 3D combat fun that fit the game better
God, that looks absolutely awful.
Just save yourself the time play Dragon's Dogma instead.
i never really got into skyrim because it felt janky compared to the smooth control of oblivion. oblivion feels more like a video game, skyrim feels like im swinging a sword in water
Who the fuck plays bethesda games in 3rd person.
I like seeing my character and their armor
It looks much better than vanilla, but it's held back by the fact that you're fighting Skyrim enemies. Dodging, grip changing, moving while attacking etc. just don't work with skyrim enemy AI. Notice how, in the video, the vast majority of enemies didn't try to dodge or do any fancy footwork, they've just got the same boring "run up and swing while standing in place" AI that the base game has. Enemies aren't suddenly going to start doing jump attacks and shit, they just stand in place and swing at you while you dance circles around them
Cool idea but the modder would need to overhaul enemy movement just as much for it to have a real impact besides just making combat easier
Me Nigga.
its the same combat but the animation is better it doesn't really seem like an overhaul
>Not compatible with FNIS and other animation mods.
Into the trash it goes
>polished turd
Which is why this shit can't be saved. Making Skyrim's combat work would require overhauling enemies, and you can't just mess with the humanoids and call it a day since most enemies are still braindead retarded. Giving them unique movesets and a working compatible ai is way harder than slapping some pc animations.
no mod can save this trainwreck
Dark souls combat is so basic but it's basic done very well. I hate how much popularity the stupid fighting system got when it's how it works with the level design and enemirs. Still it is Super easy to copy over to any other game like this.
Not going to spoonfeed you user, just search for loli mods on nexus
female toon faggots
>loli mods
>on nexus
>blood on screen
>combat roll looks shit in first person
>cant use fnis
looks shit tbhwyfam
Who the fuck plays Skyrim in first person? The game is shit anyway, at least in 3rd person you can see your waifu character.
I admit I was trying to waste your time
>playing as a girl
Uh... I think you're gay, man.
>still playing skyrim in 2020
Holy shit Brodual is still going
This is almost what I want, but it still doesn't fix the combat for me. My issue is that there's no weight or reaction when you attack enemies so it feels like you're just frantically slicing through air. This definitely is an improvement, but it still doesn't make it worth coming back to. Even Fallout 4 somehow has better melee combat that Skyrim which is why nearly everyone goes melee stealth archer or mage.
looks alright. all they need to do now is balance the game's melee combat with a focus on dodging attacks and staggering enemies
Don't make me reinstall and spend 30 hours modding again
Does it only effect the player and their enemies? That always annoys me
Toon haha Looney toon baba loona haha Looney haha oooooohhhh wowaaaeeeeeee tooooooon haha Looney toon!
Call me when Enderal is ported to SE and I can mod this in