Ive never played any of these, so what am I in for? Is it weird live action anime shit like MH and ace combat? Is it operator Kino? Redpill me.
Ive never played any of these, so what am I in for? Is it weird live action anime shit like MH and ace combat...
It somehow manages to be both. If it's your first MGS game then you shouldn't have to worry about the disappointing story bits. Just have fun.
you're face
to face
with the man who sold the world
its straight up a arma milsim clone but with the occasional anime moment. Only the japanese could pull it off.
I can't imagine what it's like starting with V. Like said since you haven't played the other superior games you can't possibly be disappointed and you've got nowhere to go but up if you keep playing them. Mechanically it's a sound game. It looks pretty good. The actual game design aspect is a mess though. Mission structure is terrible. Open world is a fucking empty. Story is stitched together.
I'll say this. As serious as the narrative can get it's also very self aware and pokes fun at itself a lot. It's not as 2deep4u as normies make it seem. Anyways it's not a great game but it's not terrible either.
I felt a bit lost as I've only played mainline games and I didn't like the presentation of it at all. I also felt open world was a very poor choice. It has a few excellent areas and Ground Zeroes is good. Overall not great, just playable.
>so what am I in for?
A good game but kojima was unshackled in the story line (ie it's absolutely retarded and cringe).
A product not really representative of the series it seems to be a part of.
You will think you know about MGS, but at the end of the day you played a decent game that has not much to do with the series.
Turn your brain off. Fuck, skip cutscenes. It aint worth trying to make sense of a literal unfinished story.
You know what is fun? Sneaking. Stealing shit. CQCing people, planning literal one man army raids on bases because you're a fuckin bad ass.
So play it. Sneak shit. Have fun. Just don't think you know much about MGS because you played something barely reminiscent of the old titles. Which offer fun in a different way.
probably the best to start out with. you wont be too disappointed by the story, and the moment to moment gamplay of sneaking around is fun as fuck.
It could have been a great game if it had decent level design. Afghanistan is not bad but Africa is total horseshit. Far Cry 2 was a far better operatorcore game.
Great fucking game. Story is meh though if you care about that shit
based reply
Why play the last game first???
Too many newfags come to through this game. It brought nothing but shitposters. I wish this game never got made honestly.
cause its a prequel.
It's not even the earliest in the timeline
This. Sam hyde is right. Go play MSX metal gear.
Just fucking play them and find out, faggot. You don't need your hand held.
Gameplay is fun, story is ok-ish, last 1/3rd of the game is ,literally the same missions but higher difficulty. If the story ever got properly finished it would be a lot better, still makes next to no sense though
Look it up before getting this game. MGSV is nothing like the ones before it. The ones before were kino, incredible, immersive Escape from New York style action movies where you were the protagonist. MGSV is literally just an open world grind. No interesting characters, no music, no epic action, no amazing combat scenes with epic choreography, nothing at all. Just you grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding while bagging bad guys with a fucking BBC growing out of your forehead (literally).
so wheres the logic then? should people play the very first metal gear game?
MGSV will make you waste 20 hours expecting to get to that part where the game becomes fun. When you get to unlock cool guns and infinite suppressors that dont break after 15 bullets.
By the time you manage that, the cost of deployment becomes impossible to sustain and missions start to repeat.
It's an elaborate ruse, a carrot on a stick. And the game is magnificent at preventing you from realizing this early.
Play MGS2/MGS3. They are at least gimmicky games that are kind of unique even if controls are dog shit. The very worst thing about 5 is that it will prevent you from enjoying older games too once you realize the same shithead created them, it will put you off by association. Note how after TPP the amount of old school MGS threads died completely. No more discussions, no more cool ass theories, nothing.
MGS5 ruined the series for everyone.
Thats bullshit the games series essentially starts with playstation metal gear solid.
But it dont.
>Quiet making a face
her not doing any of that shit is one of her defining traits.
I don't understand how people can say the older games control badly, they were made for a simpler time, ergo have simpler control schemes. The only thing that's obtusely difficult to pull off is CQC in MGS3 and you can get through the whole game without using it. Getting on tip toes and side stepping while in FPV is braindead simple.
Whenever I see a post that says "I've never played a game in this series largely known for its complicated story, should I start with the entry labeled 5" I assume it's a troll.
That wasn't the first game, user.
Because they DO control badly. You need to use 3 different buttons just to shoot a fucking gun at something accurately. Kudos to them for cramping all this shit onto a gamepad but having to rely on using these contrived combinations in the heat of a moment often makes you do the wrong thing. Pressure sensitive actions in 3 were shit.
Even movement alone is done quite poorly because half the time you want to backstep you will accidentally go prone.
Where does OP say he's going to do that?
>controls are dog shit.
No, they're not.
It's a game that has great gameplay, controls feel like a well oiled revolver. But the game is plainly unfinished, story is almost non-existent compared to other games in the series.
It feels like the reverse of want people complain about these days, a game that is only gameplay but lacks story. It left a lot of people feeling phantom pain.
are you aware the game was essentially rebooted?
MGS has a quality story but it kinda goes off the rails in later games. MGS V is a fantastic stealth action game. this is gonna get shitted on but check out dunkeys videos on it, he does a lot of goofy shit and shows you what you can do with it.
MGS V is a great game but it's not a fantastic MGS game unfortunately.
>You need to use 3 different buttons just to shoot a fucking gun at something accurately
In real life you need to use both hands and your head, control your breathing and hold a stable stance to shoot a fucking gun at something accurately.
MGSV is the least ""anime"" out of all of them. If it's your first MGS you're most likely going to love it since it isn't that story heavy so not playing the rest of the games won't hinder your experience much. I recommend playing the rest as well though, whether you like 5 or not. All of them play different from each other with the only thing common between them being the fundamental tealth mechanics (apart from 1 and 2, 2 feels like a perfected version of 1's gameplay).
MGSV has the same problem as Dishonored, Human Revolution, and many other games: too much freedom = too easy. It's boring.
>In real life you need to use both hands and your head, control your breathing and hold a stable stance to shoot a fucking gun at something accurately.
Yet shooting a gun is ten times more intuitive and easier in real life than in MGS2 and MGS3.
You mean the series as a whole or just MGSVPP? They're all cheesey yet sometimes kino action films (with a highly convoluted plot) through the eyes of westaboo who really wanted to make films but could only get a job at a video game studio.
Spot on