Will the cancellation of SGDQ end the trans speed runner menace?

will the cancellation of SGDQ end the trans speed runner menace?

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They’re not going to cancel it, it will just be remote. So don’t worry, there will be plenty of trannies on stream

Men really have it bad these days.

If you've played any attention to this post 2013 then you're retarded and you deserve all the misery it brings you

SGDQ was the good one, that had less trannies.....

trans speed running is a problem thats going to fix itself

Some people just need to get the ever loving shit kicked out of them.

They will speedrun Corona infection

this reddit screencap is not real, it simply can't be

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To even doubt its authenticity shows that you've never visited Reddit. I envy you.

Is all of reddit like that? Are you simply not allowed to have unpopular opinions there?

The world is waking up on trans people, slowly but surely. That's my take on this. I used to be pozzed on trans back in 2011-2014, but as soon as I actually started hanging out with those scumfucks, I've become wise to how retarded they all are. It's a mental disease that's being profited off of by doctors and healthcare professionals. You have to feel for how deep off the edge they are, though; to have your entire life conquered by a dopamine rush is insane (but not unheard of, see hard drugs).

I believe humanity is just predisposed to getting fucked by addictions like these, and people are finding newer and stranger things to get addicted to.

No, even on more prominent subreddits there's a fair few amount of people speaking out. A lot of the site has a left, progressive leaning base but it's not nearly as homogeneous as Yas Forums makes it out to be. This whole board has devolved into pure shitposting so you should know better by now

never 4get

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why is it that only ugly tranners get to be exposed in these things?

there are a LOT of really hot ones that I meet whenever I go to anime/gaming cons and its only the bald, fat hons that are on pills and transitioned late that seem to be represented.

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your life seems blissful. I wish I could go back to just not knowing how retarded some communities are.

He's ugly too, man. You're just gay.

You just have faggot yellow fever, homo.

show me a pic of your girlfriend user, so I can see your standards.

oh wait you dont have one, just an incel with delusions.

ITT : People seething that trans people exist

still retarded

welcome to hell, friend

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What does my girlfriend have to do with you being gay? Calm down, faglord. Do you think this boy you're attracted to is okay with you posting pictures of him on Yas Forums?

I think I see 2, maybe 3 trannies a week where I work at a grocery store and I can honestly say that none of them even try to look feminine. The "best" I've seen looked like a 40 year old half bimbo but when I carded them they were like 25 buying 2 big bottles of Jack Daniels.
I dont get it. What's the point in being a girl if you're just gonna do what you were gonna do if you were a man?

I don't care I just dont get it. I thought we got over gender norms being a thing like 15 years ago.

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I take solace in the fact that at least half of them deeply regret their decisions and kill themselves.

Also 2D traps are fine. These low-effort tranny subhumans aren't

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Why would him having a girlfriend be relevant to your desire for buggery.

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Trans people can exist, I just don't want them to ever think they're actually what they're transitioning into. A man will never fully change himself into a woman, and a woman will never fully change herself into a man. I'll happily call them a trans male or a trans female, but no further, and biologically they will never be it either. Body dysmorphia is a mental illness and so is gender dysphoria.

>children are too young to vote
>children are too young to drink
>children are too young to drive
>children are too young to have sex
>children are too young to work
>children are too young to take care of themselves
>But they can decide if they should modify their bodies or not
What exactly is their thinking process?

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nuke the planet 2021

Reminder that pedofiles are all evil monsters but if you even think that a child concerning themself with their sexuality is a bit weird you are an evil person.

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Yet women accept them into their ranks and that’s all that matters to them. They don’t need your approval they merely need females since that is what communities they are trying to integrate into

they're projecting their own unfulfilled wishes onto children, and anyone they can really.

They don't. It's just submissive beta males who think becoming a 'woman' would be easier than living up to what's expected of them. They get reassurance from other losers like them and it becomes a popular fad between degenerates. It's pathetic. Then they go out into the real world and realize their internet friends were liars thus leading them to commit suicide. This 'acceptance' is doing more damage than anything. They should learn how things work and how to be a man. Doesn't mean you have to be Schwarzenegger but you have to keep reaching for your goals.

>Yet women accept them into their ranks and that’s all that matters to them
only some of them do. And even those that do recognize the freaks that trannies are and talk about them behind their backs

Daily reminder that trannies are still >>>>>>> females. They are STILL less cancerous than females.

>Yet women accept them into their ranks

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Women are overwhelming liberal and tend to lean left. Notice how trannies spend 90% of their time raging about “TERFs” which are only less than maybe 2% of the female population while male tranny haters make up more than 50%. Your male insults and hatred of trannies doesn’t matter to them because they seek female acceptance and they have it. They win

Dont associate us twinks or femboys with trans dipshits
we wear the aesthetic for fun, not for progressive mental illness

post peepee

>expecting rationality from the mentally ill

The biggest tragedy is these people are being denied help because the community reinforces its own downward spiral ideals and shuts out criticism in any form. Representation from both groups is also taken at polar extremes leaving most level headed people completely disinterested in the discussion. It's simply not worth the aggro or implication

I think women just don't really care about anything beyond their specific goals and go with the flow on politics / gender. I read somewhere (not sure if this is true) that women have poor spatial awareness; I believe that applies to their mind's eye, too, and when the whole concept of trans people shows up they just say "Oh sure whatever" and move on.

However, when you get women who actually have to deal with these trans men, you get pictures like , which are so damning in a single instant that it makes me believe women would truly hate them if they cared to think about them at all.

Women generally online: Virtue signal
Women in real life: Lol that tranny has a fucking BEARD LMAO

no i aint gettin banned again
if you make a gerudo vai link thread on tuesday, i'll post though.

Most humans are terrible people that are just too cowardly to openly express their shitty opinions. They'll do the opposite to appear correctly aligned

The second they have peers or anonymity it's the same shitshow.

>mfw EVO is gonna get cancelled

because a large number of trans people go on HRT way too late, or are still early transitioning. that or they fucked up the gene lottery.
vee gets assmad over everything, more news at eleven.

>Yet women accept them into their ranks
With this, and the sudden realization what equality actually means under the law, I'm pretty sure actual women are about to fucking crack from the pressure retards are putting on them.

Fuck crossdressing botw Link, he's overrated as hell

kek the absolute state of murrican