Why does everyone hate this game?

Why does everyone hate this game?

Attached: FF2.png (426x196, 22.2K)

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Retards will say it's because of the leveling system, the real answer is because evasion is the only stat that matters and you'll never find that out until it's too late.
>lmao you went for a max damage dual wielding build? Enjoy getting instakilled and status effect chained by regular enemies
It's pure shit.

idk why do you hate

Shit dungeons, awful pacing, poor balance, too easily broken

>Shit dungeons
compared to what?
>awful pacing
>poor balance, too easily broken
then don't break it

I actually enjoyed it, but it's very obtuse and user-unfriendly. You can die because you didn't divine which way the designers wanted you to go and stumble into overpowered enemies. Dungeons are cruel, with trap rooms that you can't determine until you enter them. In the NES version, your stats can atrophy from lack of use. The lack of levels actually makes the game grindier. To top it off, the plot is so dark that it feels like nothing you do matters.

Elder Scrolls leveling system, this game was too ahead of its time

>You can die because you didn't divine which way the designers wanted you to go and stumble into overpowered enemies
almost like real life

It's not very good. Would you care to defend it?

>To top it off, the plot is so dark that it feels like nothing you do matters.
I felt the opposite.

>Other 2D FFs have dead end passages in dungeons
>No one cares
>FF2 has dead end passages in dungeons, but they're doors
What's the fucking difference?

Attached: demishrug.jpg (455x279, 58.89K)

>lol i got killed by a couple of orphans but i still conquered hell somehow xD

Attached: FF2_Emperor.jpg (656x1000, 142.28K)

>"Bro there's so much grinding bro you even have to hit your own units to level bro!"
About the only time you need to grind is for making it through the Jade Passage. If you need to grind at any other point, you're just shit at the game.

and turn it into a trpg?

How are the others not professional?

How can anyone hate it when they can't even play it?
Same deal with FF1

don't people cry about every modern game lacking this?

>compared to what?
Every game ever.
>awful pacing
80% of the game is backtracking and doing errands across the same areas you've already been in while 20% is actually discovering new areas.
>then don't break it
Almost any basic attempt at micromanagement usually somehow automatically breaks the game for you.

i guess frequency, there's barely anything in the dungeons besides troll rooms
though i don't think it ruins the game entirely i do have to admit that the average dungeon formula goes:
>50% main route with high encounter rates
>40% empty rooms that lead nowhere have no loot and have an extremely high encounter rate
>5% rooms with actual loot/objectives in them
>5% a bunch of secret passages through the walls that are impossible to find unless you play with a guide or just force your party to rub themselves against every wall in the game

II was great. I want another game with its leveling system. The SaGa series isn't quite the same since it works more on global levels rather than raising each stat individually.

does this romhack fix that? romhacking.net/hacks/853/

The only issue I see with it is that there's really no indicator.

Mario teaches you to jump by putting a Goomba in the way, for example, but in FFII there's really no tell where the line between the start and the not start is, even in the superior GBA version.

The ground eventually changes color, but the other enemies can appear before you reach that point. It's like there was an attemot to signify this was a different place and therefore different enemies but fucked it up.

This is why I say Alliance Alive is a better version of it. There are very clear indicators you shouldn't be going a certain way in most instances and those ways tend to lead to a surprise boss you aren't going to be able to beat yet which is why all those monsters on the way were two shotting you.

stupid levelling system and unparralleled amount of bullshit

>enemies pretty much instakill you if you slip up once
>no supplies anywhere
>random encounters every 4 steps
>have to go out your way to find supplies
>go into a room
>nothing in that room but you default to the centre rather than the door
>random encounter as you try to get out and you get instakilled

>The SaGa series isn't quite the same since it works more on global levels rather than raising each stat individually.
I don't think you have any idea of what you're talking about, like most people in this thread however.

>Retards will say it's because of the leveling system
Except it is. It's garbage. You pick like 2-3 spells and a weapon type for each party member, and if you want to be at your most effective in battle, you NEVER DO ANYTHING ELSE. It's a retarded system that adds nothing and limits ypur options by making the one thing your party member grinded for vastly superior than anything else.
SaGa games work because the point is trying out different abilities in combat, because using multiple abilities many times build up Exp. so you can learn new abilities to use, which leads to experimentation.

> Thanks for keeping my seat in the party warm, throwaway characters :)

Attached: Leon-Final-Fantasy-II.jpg (696x392, 80.83K)

Weirdly designed leveling system.

The last remnant has a somewhat similar leveling system if you haven't tried that already.

I beat the GBA port and I can't remember a single thing about the game except this one track:

Actually on second thought, I do remember dealing with this too. I had all my guys dual wielding because the guide I was using said shields are useless. I had to back out of the final dungeon and equip shields so I could withstand more than one turn of attacks.

>You pick like 2-3 spells and a weapon type for each party member, and if you want to be at your most effective in battle, you NEVER DO ANYTHING ELSE.
You do the same thing in SaGa though.
Difference being FF2 was the blueprint for that system and still tied to the FF name so Kawazu was not just inexperienced but also had his hands tied, so you don't have what became the polished and more expansive version of that core system which includes multiple races, techs for fighters, more creative magic etc.
At the end of the day you do the same thing in SaGa, jack of all trades are generally frowned upon and almost always inferior to focused character, outside of the games with bad balance like SaGa Frontier and even there a minmaxed mech still BTFO of any "well rounded" character.

Now, the temporary guest character bullshit, oh that was bad, and thank god Kawazu learned from that immediately too, don't know what he was thinking with that.

If you unironically hit yourself to grind, you've been fed a meme and spent hours of your life doing it.

you mean the manual now feeds you memes?

The manual never tells you to hit yourself though.

I love this nigger like you wouldn't believe.

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Minwu should just been the permanent party member, Leon a shit.

Nothing about the game tells you to hit yourself. You've been so memed out you believe the game told you to use an inefficient method of grinding.

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Its funny that these are the real reasons why this game is garbage yet the contrarian dickriders will always ignore them and defend the leveling system as if thats the only thing anyone ever complains about