How does it feel to know this will be the best controller of '20s?
How does it feel to know this will be the best controller of '20s?
>symmetrical sticks
>best controller of '20s
pick one
It's a DS4 shaped like a Switch Pro, don't pretend it's groundbreaking
Have sex
>Have sex
your mums' too busy
switch pro controller is perfection, don't care what anybody says. probably the most comfortable controller I've ever had
I'd like it more if the d-pad wasn't so shit
native Winblows10 support?
Do you people not play 2D games? Having the dpad in a low far position makes it awkward to press whereas having the analog there is fine.
Don't know why Microsoft's only feature was adding an additional button that everyone else has already had. That and maybe USB-C? Yeah, with respect to controller, PlayStation 5 has easily won. There's no debate about it. My hope is that a great Gran Turismo or something comes out that will take advantage of it. I think just that alone will make it better than Forza. I'm tired of buying Xbox's for fucking Forza.
That's not groundbreaking either retard they literally copied the Xbox controller
I agree, the shape's super-comfortable and both the rubber and the plastic on it are pleasing to the touch. Sticks move like silk. And transparent plastic is BACK BAYBEE
You need Steam to really do much of anything with it, but Steam lets you customize the hell out of it and use pretty much every feature of it
>symmetry BAD
Based mutant.
you know i loved the fact that the playstation controller stayed pretty much unchanged for 3 generations. it was just a good controller design, aside from the declining build quality and shitty triggers on the ds3.
i wish i could have a ps1 style ds controler for modern consoles, maybe a bit bigger since i have larger hands.
i tried both for a long time and like asymmetrical a lot more. its almost like its a subjective matter but this autistic hellhole will tell you otherwise
>You need Steam to really do much of anything with it
yeah ok, thanks
I NEVER EVER knew people disliked PlayStation controllers and the way they had the analog sticks.
They're super comfy for me and I love playing all my games with a dualshock if possible
give it back, jamal
>thing isn't publicly available
>le how do you le guys feel that it's literally le best ever? *epic troll face*
why are zoomers so fucking cringe?
>Do you people not play 2D games?
the sony audience definitely doesn't
Wait, what? So Black Ops 3 is more popular than Modern Warfare (2019). How? Is it on sale or something or is it just that popular right now?
This isn't the NES/NES era where platformers were the go-to. Playstation has a variety of genres to compete against each other.
You give a shit about social tier games? Those games people buy to play with friends not for single player.
Never understood this mindset that if it's not on top charts it sold bad
I use a dualshock on pc for 2D games. Though I do often use keyboard for platformers as well.
Depends how difficult it is, keyboard for more difficult but simple platformers like dustforce or N++. But for a game like a metroidvania where you are constantly getting new abilities I use a dualshock because its easier to adjust (and comfier)
looks like discount xbone controller
>symmetry BAD
it is in terms of stick placement.
the only reason sony is keeping the symmetrical sticks is because it's a fashion statement.
Asym sticks are for niggers who play rooty tooty swivel and shooty games on eksbawks.
Sym sticks are for white men who play respectable genres like SRPGs and platformers.
>You give a shit about social tier games? Those games people buy to play with friends not for single player.
>Never understood this mindset that if it's not on top charts it sold bad
i'm just posting what most playstation 4 owners play. If sony knew their playerbase they would design a controller with 3D games in mind.
I'm not white
Having the dpad in the wrong place makes it almost unusable as the primary input. So the dualshock placement, while being worse for analog-primary games, is more versatile. And better for 2D games.
You should be using mouse and keyboard for most 3D games anyway.
You're honorary.
oh god, BTFO by a nigga 2 posts later
why are you based
So you'd rather gimp yourself for the few games your going to be playing in 2D vs the number in 3D? Youre clearly saying you're on a PC anyways, just use PS4 or a SNES controller when playing 2D games. Use something with proper stick placement for everything else.
Does it have gyro?
thats the most dood-iest bro-iest thing ive seen in about 8-10 years
No, they are for nips and homosexuals who have tiny feminine hands.
considering you're a negro in the closet who is obsessed with a less powerful xbox, i'm willing to bet you never knew very many people to begin with
somehow sony is still to shy to show off their hardware in full, so we dont really know that much besides looking at 3D renders this time around
The DualShock design is straight up not as good as the Xbox, but it isn't leagues behind. The trouble is they go for gimmicks not innovation. Last gen the speaker was horrible. Literally the worst sound quality I've ever heard. Spoiled parts of games. The touchpad was barely used but I didn't like when it was. Two crap features which hiked the price of additional controllers. The lightbsr is completely redundant.
I expect nothing good to come from that mic.
>extra buttons and touch surface on the back
let it go coperino
If it will be the best controller of the decade, why are you hiding behind a photoshopped image?
I disagree with almost everything you said but I'll also be buying the first console to release a quality traditional Forza/GT.
wii u pro controller defeats this image and argument
I get hand cramps from using sony controllers for any length of time, too small. The xb1 controller is legit goat.
but wait, there's more
>off set face plates to collect all the dust that ever dusted
>rests on the triggers
By being the perfect FPS controller on a console with barely any FPS? It's not great for action games or platformers.
zombies. 4 sucked dick in every regard so people went back to 3 for zombies
Resting on the triggers is the ultimate example of California design
It looks simple, elegant, genius, and artistic
It doesn't work
by... proving it right? The image is arguing that left stick above/d-pad below is the best option.
It has a pretty decent zombies mode, my friends and I share the dlc maps via gameshare and its just like were playing COD in highschool again
very good point
Why not?
the post is whining about symmetrical sticks and uses an image that isn't about symmetrical sticks
>3 of the top 10 games are different editions of FIFA
this is your brain on consoles