What realistic history setting should the devs tackle in their next game?

What realistic history setting should the devs tackle in their next game?
Ethiopian empire?
Colonial Spain?

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anything as long as theres NO black people

something with not shitty fighting mechanics

Prague Spring

Mycenaean Greece

I like the fighting. It feels sort of like chivalry

I still laugh at Vávra's "protagonist" tweet every time I stumble into it.

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I think a continuation of KCD would be the best route to go down for Warhorse but if they choose to do something completely different than Egypt would be a great one. I didn't play AC Origins by from what I saw they flubbed the opportunity they had with one of the most interesting settings in ancient history

Not a fan of KCD at all, but this is pretty good. These SJW need to get off their high horses.

dangerously based

Attached: based.png (750x915, 416.25K)

I wish Africans weren’t so fucking shit at everything so they could make African games set in Africa so commies could stop demanding whites make games about niggers

pic related

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dutch golden age

Based kasakela

Kievan Rus

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That is perfect

Emus are great pets

Yea, I was on the fence about Kingdom Come but I'm into it now

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None since they suck at it. Not having balck people doesn't mean they are good at history, the retards literally sold us a feminism: the dlc and kingdom come is EXTREMELY lgbt friendly with a woke protagonist who thinks being gay is ok.

Fuck the developers and fuck you all for thinking the game is based.

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yeah, im thinking this is based

Would be best. We need more Ancient Greek games.

>Large portions of Poland were originally German
based, this guy knows his shit.

He's not so based, his game is full of LGBT friendly shit and Theresa feminist dlc is bullshit.

>I will rather have strong aryan woman who want white cock before I'll add any blacks

imagine being this guy lol

Jerusalem. Would be rad to be a crusader or a soldier from Saladins army or something

I want them to create a Mafia "clone", a WW2 occupied open world europe like Saboteur or something

>I'd like the Trillionth WW2 game please

Play as native Americans dealing with white invaders

Salem Witch Trials. No idea where the fuck to go from there, but salem witch trials

Most scary thing here is that there's very real and very large mass of people "educated" at Frankfurt School-derived institutions and conditioned like religious zealots to attack anything, anywhere on globe that contradicts what was given them by their "educators" and validated by other parts of terminally infested US academia.