Vidya fat tiddies

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Kys ironic weeb

>vidya titties thread
>it's mostly just gacha shit
sure is vidya around here

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Umushit was a mistake

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It's the future, grampa.
Go to /vg/ and count the number of gatcha threads. You will be surprised or maybe horrified.

Breasts too large

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>reddit slayer

Maybe for poor children and normies, but is that really the fute you want to be part of ?

What happened ? Never played any gacha shit, whats the appeal ?

Gambling but you get paid with anime tiddies

so there no appeal, since porn is free ? gotcha

Every single gatcha preys on addiction.

fuck you jannies

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Susamaru is cute!

Post the full

B-but I just jerked off!

What do tiddies feel like?


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He's just baiting for pics, most likely even made this thread

Bags of warm sand

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Thanks OP, this nut is on you!

Im 20 and dont get the appeal, funny thing is that most people that do like gacha a lot are at least 25 and up from my experience

I started playing granblue fantasy because the anime tiddies were fat. I stayed because there's lots to do. It's grindy and somewhat simple at its core, but the complexity and interesting game decisions come from prioritization and using limited resources like goldbars and sunstones to get stronger in different ways. Since there's so much to do, it's non-trivial what you should be doing based on your luck in gacha and personal goals. As an example: roughly 60% of what newbies are instructed to do in /gbfg/ and granblue wikis is just sub-optimal or outright pointless. I know this because I'm an end game player. Also the end game weapon grid/character/summon optimization for different content is very non-trivial.

The music and art is very good, and the game works on a browser with 0 setup and in-game english option. The stories are generic anime and not very interesting, but I feel like they're getting better. Spaghetti Syndrome and Maydays were great. Last chapters of main story were a riot, and Vikala's fate episodes were kino.

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I just want to be smothered in big tiddies is it that much to ask

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>not bags of red sand

We know OP, now keep posting more pics

>It's on-topic

>remove all the hurtful words because the coomer is triggered at the truth