Why did it die?

why did it die?

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Is it?

It’s not dead retard. Now go play league

Cheaters clogging ranked games makes veterans leave
Learning curve too steep for new players means few newer players

The charm came from the classic DotA1 WC3 units.
This chinese knockoff universe is garbage and Valve's treatment of their IP proves it.

eh, in these quarantine days me and my friends are having fun with it
its a lot better when you dont take it seriosuly

7 slot carries, stale small viable hero pool, not enough quality porn, not enough even bad quality porn, Void Spirit, most toxic community, no map variation or really gameplay variation, outposts are useless in the jungle with thier now shit sight, balance for. 001% of the player base, and still not enough quality porn.

50% fucking system (you play good - have shitty players and otherwise)
dont't even try playing this shit
save your nerves
the game itself is good but mathmatching kills it completely

It didn't
cope seethe dilate cringe cronge crunge

Is there a better feeling than nuking a Silencer or OD as Nyx?

Attached: NYX.jpg (400x325, 26.97K)

7 heroes have been released in the latest 4 years.
Of those 7
>4 are made for the chinese market (void spirit wearing chinese hairstyle, grimstroke is based around chinese scripture, pangolin is a chinese animal, wukong is a chinese mythological creature that is in every fucking f2p shit game)
>2 have a cartoony style that doesn't belong in the game (snapfire, willow)
I like Mars, though. Although he isn't very innovative. His ult is a variation of disruptor's field, and others skills are meh.

How is willow cartoony? I think you just don't like her. Also void spirit fits in with the style of the other spirits.

Attached: dark willow.jpg (1116x1042, 121.54K)

less dead than TF2, just that most people either barely know what a dota is, or play it and only it for all eternity.

just like BR games, there's just too much down time. I genuinely feel like the only people who play this game are young adults who just discover the game (there's lots of initial appeal but ultimately it stops being fun inside ~2 years) or autists who play no other game. There's no in-between.

For me?
Playing rubick and killing someone with their own ability

Yes. Going dagonless nyx.

Isn't grimstroke more akin to japanese culture? Also Snapfire is based, fuck you.

I am sexually attracted to Wisp. Like deviant art tier devotion. No I will not post my cringe doodles. I dont know why but i get so nervous and big dicked thinking about Io.

>Valve had an opportunity to make great spinoffs inside of DOTA's admittedly disconnected lore (RPG where you are part of the Red Mist or Stonewall Legion, stealth assassin game playing as Riki getting revenge on the people who killed his family or Bounty Hunter collecting massive reards etc.)
>Card game and Auto-chess
That said, I kinda like Artifact and Underlord lore, but the games themselves are pretty shite.

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its still the best of its kind and fun if you don't play it all day every single damn day as though you too can be a pro
worst case scenario you 5 stack and then it is always hilarious times on the voice chat
my only problem with it are these league converts insisting offlane plays a 'tank'. there are no tanks in dota, anyone can get melted

no non-dota events like diretide and frostivus to rope in players
high knowledge barrier but low execution threshold
devs clearly don't care about anything outside of cosmetics

A good game doesn't need updates to be good, it should just be good enough to enjoy without constant novelty. CS gets small tweaks every now and then and has enjoyed healthy growth. the way dota is balanced these days is one massive patch that shits all over the game every year, several patches throughout the rest of the year trying to fix it, and then once the game has almost recovered they fuck it up all over again. they make a bunch of huge changes with no though and are afraid to admit to mistakes or take way too long to fix them, see
>give hero new busted aghs, nerf the fun parts of the base hero to compensate in followup patch
>rework hero into braindead brawl hero, try to buff numbers up instead of reverting rework
>the networth factor that gave you bonus gold for killing a support if their core was farmed only got removed recently
and my favorite
>adding shrines to the game totally locking down the map and adding dumb safety nets to the early-midgame, only removing them after three (3) years
In the end, even if you are ok with the direction they have for the game (personally I think it's shit but at the end of the day it's subjective), it begs the question how long are you willing to play the game in the broken state while they get it right. Constant changes also make the average player much less competent, since they have to rebuild parts of their knowledge with each set of changes and the game becomes more about who understands the metagame rather than interacting with the other players.

patience, valve play the long game
look how long they've spun half life out for. basically three games over what, 20+ years?
our grandchildren may see the templars that lanaya keeps talking about

>there are no tanks in dota, anyone can get melted
This is only untrue in the most ridiculous circumstances like 50 flesh heap pudge or fully 6 slotted late game alchemist.

>our grandchildren may see the templars that lanaya keeps talking about
It's Void Spirit's disciples. The hidden temple is in the void.

cool theory

>there are no tanks in dota
Poor user didn't get a chance to defend his statement after the flash farmed troll warlord pops his out on their high ground. Then uses his refresher shard and got a ago.

i also just realised if someone pulled their head out of their ass they could basically do this with the dota 2 editor
i am going to keep my head firmly in asscheek, though

Well ok, I might be stretching but TA certainly serves Void Spirit. Just look at those responses.

Getting into DOTA's editor is a convoluted mess. Once you are able to do simple scripting stuff like change the values of a few abilities you can slowly work your way there, it is just getting to that point is fucking steep.

>All those unused lines

While talking about lore reminder
>Valve lore guy on twitter said Jakiro's parents are Winter Wyvern and Phoenix
>Legion Commander fucked a furry
>Every DOTA game is canon. Each time a game ends the universe resets with slightly different variables until there is a point where both ancients are destroyed at the exact same time
>Storm Spirit is the biggest dick out of the 3 (4) spirits.

Matchmaker was always shit
Then they added multiple different matchmakers, which means even longer finding 50% games
But the real problem is like TF2 there's just no sense of community to give casual players an in to learn the game. Like TF2, one godlike player can shit on the entire server, and the lowest skill player can be far worse than a replacement bot.

In fact the game would have been way more healthy if instead of balancing for a handful of teams, they implemented a guided mode for new players:
>AI controls the character but you can give it orders to follow so the player can follow the team when needed
>If an AI wants to use an ability it highlights a target and corresponding keybind so the player can be taught to use those skills period (if not most effectively)
>Likewise with items, AI suggests (this is what Plus was supposed to be for jesus christ valve) so the player can practice shopping
>AI will automatically move defensively in team fights and lanes to buy whatever time it can for the slower minded player to keep up while processing item/ability usage tips or teammate orders

Lobbies and some handholdy stuff would have gone far. I never had a full stack of friends but the few I got hold of only got confused and fucked over by insane autoclick enemy bot stacks and retarded wandering "friendly" bots that they never learned anything.

>Valve lore

>Storm Spirit is the biggest dick out of the 3 (4) spirits
Why does this need confirmation? It's fucking obvious.

It doesn't I just wanted to remind every one.
I'm salty because of my last match with a Storm Spirit

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>>Valve lore guy on twitter said Jakiro's parents are Winter Wyvern and Phoenix
That was a joke.

> moba
> lore
Not even funny

Community is trash, also it being free to play.

phantom lancer still exists

if someone reports you for not winning you get put in a really long queue for 5 games with trolls. this literally made me uninstall, reinstall like a year later, realize i still had to play those5 games, and then uninstall for good.

>Valve lore guy on twitter
In case you missed it or you're more dense than a dying star, he was JOKING

Community is toxic trash. Try watching the "pros" play on Twitch; they are either always with toxic teams or toxic themselves. All Draskyl does nowadays is bitch and whine about his team like the beta-male he is.