>We bring you the #SEGA #Dreamcast controller with features made just for you!
>Wired & Wireless options will have you making a tough decision, but with a 6-button layout, redesigned Dpad, & new analog stick, you won’t regret either choice.
>ETA late 2020!

Anyone excited?

Attached: 71760_67_retro-bit-resurrects-segas-dreamcast-controller-for-old-school-gaming_full.png (1200x630, 390.98K)

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Who's making it.

Talk to me about vmus


Attached: SmartSelect_20200107-073154_YouTube.jpg (1179x1376, 555.01K)

Alright someone tell me.

Was the Dreamcast controller any good? IIRC that was the controller with the cable on the bottom right?

Pretty much an Duke Controller with less functionality


Why the fuck can't they make a Saturn 3D controller like this? Fuck

It was shit. Clunky to hold, the triggers sucked, the analog stick was a mess and managed to be even worse than the weird ass Saturn 3D pad, the D-pad was close to unusable, and the controller was button starved.

This fixes most of those issues, but it's still a fucked up controller due to the VMU placement fucking up the ergonomics.

>saturn controller

Saturn had a shit dpad. I'm sorry but after using them and ordering a couple on ebay I returned them immediately. Horrible dpad.

The Dreamcast controller is the worst controller I've ever used.

Get an arduino as well as some pcbs and solder one yourself.

It's alright. Analog stick isn't great as it's very hard to be precise with it and the handles for the controller are odd. Also the cord being on the bottom sucks.

Are you sure you used the Model 2 saturn controller? The Model 1 d-pad is absolute trash

He's talking about this thing...

Attached: saturn+analog+controller.jpg (940x568, 188.59K)

That shit was cancelled because nobody wanted it when they did a poll. They wanted a dreamcast or original style 3d controller the circle one?

How could you tell what model it was

Evidence or gtfo

the analog stick had no rubber, so your finger would slip if pushed for too long a period. that was pretty much all the time since it was usually the move control in games. the triggers worked fine, the VMU was a nifty add on feature and the size was kind of weird at first. it wasn't like holding a controller, more like you were holding a fucking space ship. it was rad at the time.

>Add six buttons
>Don't add a dual analog

for what purpose

Attached: download (6).jpg (225x225, 9.29K)



hows that for evidence you passive aggressive faggot?

We need to ban wojak posters like this.

many more dreamcast games support C/Z than twin sticks

for fightan you retard, one of the very few reasons for buying a Dreamcast

>no shoulder bumper buttons
>nor a modern home button equivalent of any sort
>nor a second analog stick
If you're gonna overhaul this shit you might as well go all the way. Retrobit aren't even quality either.

The model 1 d-pad had these weird concave buttons. The model 2 had a dpad which was basically like the genesis controller

Retro-Bit, the same company that made the official wireless Genesis controllers and the official 6-button pads for the Genesis Mini (I have two).

Attached: 71x%2BA8TiO4L._AC_SX466_.jpg (466x489, 28.16K)

It's garbage. It's the one console where I gave my friends the official controller while I played with the MadCatz controllers whenever we played co-op games.

Wonder what you'd buy it for other than the novelty. The Xbox/DualShock style has become the "modern standard". 6-button fighting games, I guess?
I never tried any of Retrobit's pads, are they good? Does Retrobit have a good record of decent devices?

From everything I hear, Retrobit boils down to "it's a product". Average build, usually never quite 1:1 but not spongy and terrible like knockoffs, totally usable but a shadow of what they recreate. But that's just what I hear, as i've never bought one of their products myself.

Will the two additional buttons map to the DC's unused C & Z buttons or will they just be remapable macros?

He meant evidence of the poll.

>>Add six buttons
>>Don't add a dual analog
>for what purpose

Attached: 1556798546895.png (2970x3020, 82.68K)

Retrobit tweeted this in response to someone asking about that less than 24 hours ago.

So what was the logic behind the original controller having the cord connected on the bottom anyways?

Attached: 1416232072817.png (817x455, 370K)

It's still in production. See .

Without dual analog, this is literally pointless.

They probably didn't have room for the cord to protrude from the top, given that the VMU slots are on the top.

Attached: dreamcast_controller_03_large.jpg (600x368, 22.91K)

First off, it's a literal non-issue. I'm not sure why so many people are THAT bothered by this.
Now try and use your very big brain to figure this one out. What is there on the DC's controller where a cord would normally be?

It’s quite comfortable to me, but the analog stick and cord placement are pretty egregious.

It had fat juicy buttcheeks you gripped with all four fingers, which was great. Otherwise unremarkable.

Retrobit seems to imply that they mirror the triggers

It was a fucking nightmare. The worst part was the directional pad literally cutting into your skin. The triggers were slippery, the buttons and analog were poorly positioned. All that said, i fucking loved dreamcast and was willing to put up with all that shit to play the games. All this was made clear when PSO ep 1&2 on gamecube was out and you could feel the relief of finally playing a dc game with a somewhat decent controller.

I remember the genesis controller being really uncomfortable. Just get a 360 controller.

There genesis pads are actually really good though. They are actually a little less spongy than the original pads, and the plastic build quality is about the same. Same weight too, which is a pretty good indicator of what kind of materials they use (cheap pads are usually very light due to cheap knockoff ABS and thin PCBs),

Depends on which controller and what size hands you have. Big hands will feel better with the 3-button controller, and smaller hands the 6 button.