>get a government check because of the virus that has no known expiration date, not knowing how it will affect the economy in the long run
>spend it immediately on games
Gamers are retarded
>get a government check because of the virus that has no known expiration date, not knowing how it will affect the economy in the long run
>spend it immediately on games
Gamers are retarded
imagine being an essential wageslave
>Be well within my budget even with coronachan ignoring me
>able to spend the extra money on fun
how is it being shit at money?
>spending money on games
people actually do this?
This, I have almost $200000 already saved away in case of emergency
>still have my job because I specifically picked an easy career that would have longevity when shit inevitably hit the fan
>getting more hours than normal even
>spending less since everything's closed anyway
>I'm the retarded one for treating myself to something that I can do indoors
I am going to buy a hard drive and then maybe spend a little bit on lewd art commissions. The rest is going into savings.
What do you do?
The virus isn't real. It ends whenever the government says it does.
Its more suicidality than retardation
The money is to prevent the economy from crashing which it will if people dont spend it
I still have my job though. In fact, my hours got bumped up slightly. Why not blow the stim on whatever? Also I'm not gonna spend it on games, I'm probably gonna get a couple bottles of good scotch and hire an escort.
Nobody cares, schizo. I just want to fucking play video games without having to be around normalfags every day of the week again.
You crossed the retard threshold and went, willingly, straight into the event-horizon of a retard black hole. Shut the fuck up. This thread is now about skeletons and it's all your fault
Imagine being non-essential, yet still having to work and you are living in a country without coofbux. Fuck Goymoney
I'd use it to buy a cintiq
>This thread is now about skeletons and it's all your fault
>unemployment forking out an extra 600 bucks on top of whatever you already get thats taxed
>trumpbux giving me 1200 bucks that isnt taxed
>normalfags screaming and crying they cant go pick up random thots at bars and get high
>comfy apocalypse happening outside my house
this happening is based and it makes faggots seethe
I seriously fucking hope they aren't considering extending this quarantine throughout Summer. I'm already over this shit not having a job and relying on government checks to make ends meet, having to fight tooth & nail at grocery stores for a fucking case of eggs and everything closing before 9 or just straight up closed entirely. I want to go back to waging afternoons and being able to buy random shit at Walmart at 1 in the morning again.
>passive-aggressive reply but without quoting the post
the duality of man
I can't believe how many retards think that you can just print wealth. Expect massive inflation and supply shortages soon.
How can the concept of money be real if money isn't real
>get called on it and suddenly start responding to posts
lmao, as they say
>I can't believe how many retards think that you can just print wealth.
the economy works when there's nobody spending, huh
>lmao, as they say
Was thinking the same thing tbqh but A. i dont know which one i'd go for and B. i dont know if its the best investment.
the day of the rope can't come soon enough
It's helping me get a VR setup and Half Life Alyx.
Eat shit nigger
im gonna use it on pc parts
can you please go back to whatever wojak discord you came from
I'm going to spend all of it on dragon dildos
let's go back to smug anime faces.
you dont need those sugary snacks that you pick up at walmart user. this is good for you.
Cool psyop, yeah I'll be sure to save this super valuable money to wipe my ass with when the economy crashes and it's worth nothing. :^)
I'm going to spend it on anime figurines
Which ones user
>Gamers are retarded
I'm on the wrong board but I'm spending it on my car. Having a PC I don't even need money to play the latest and greatest games. I can't pirate car seats though.
im literally buying a gun with it and bullets. have it all set up just waiting for the money to come.
>get free money from government with the explicit purpose to spend it on random shit so the economy is still runnning
>noo dude dont spend it! be a fucking prepper
l m a o
>put money in bank
>it sits there
>it sits there some more
>you die
>you're a fag so you probably don't even have kids to pass it on to
cool, dude.
joke's on you, I'm buying a new CPU
I'm gonna put the money into a high interest savings account.
I'm lower class and this seems to be the best solution
>save money all the time cause paranoid about job and economy
>all this happens
I'm ready.
If I lived in the US i'd be getting a gun too. No reason not to.
So like three dildos
Following that logic it seems like you should spend the money before its worthless
>Normalfags don't realize that this is how most the people on this website always live
Literally nothing has changed for me, if it has for you then you're on the wrong fucking website.
your fiat money is going to be literally worthless in an actual emergency
invest it in assets - that will inherently continue to have value by their very being. Such as physical collectors editions, and funko pops.
>having $200k saved
bro invest some
I wonder if first worlders have stopped doing these sóy gapping-mouth faces for selfies thanks to these wojak edits leaking everywhere, or if they still do em.
Fuck I want to get a VR headset but don't know if the occulus quest is worth it.
How's it retarded? The point of it is to keep people in retail employed which is the bulk of workers.
Who are you quoting?
>Actually tested positive for the virus and went through the sickness
God I hope I'm immune to this shit now. The chest pain was nothing compared to the consistent coughing. I could barely sleep because not a second went by without me hacking my throat out.
they came and went already for people that don't use imageboards, i think 8kun tried to claim those and brainlet wojaks as their own creations back before they rebranded the site
It is happening, just like fedoras.
Betas fold to anything as soon as there is scrunity
here in shItaly they're already re-programming the npcs by telling them what to do in their house from ads. Not kidding.
they said 18 months.
and this is the only one you're getting. enjoy the government cucking you out of a job and not compensating you! oh, but that's your fault for some reason.
When the fuck is the money even supposed to be here?
I've been hearing about it for weeks but still nothing.
The dollar is fiat currency. Worthless. FIlthy green paper coated in the blood of innocents and suspended by ghosts.
American, listen close; play your video game, drink your soda, eat your cheeseburger, pay no mind to the microparticle film that you just ingested. All illusions fade with time.
It's rolling out as we speak, you'll get it in the next week or two most likely. I haven't gotten my Trumpbucks yet but I have friends that did.
Funeral parlor
>God I hope I'm immune to this shit now
People still od it because the whole reason they do it is they feel self concious smilling.
i cant believe im not getting anything just because i got claimed as a dependent even though i filed taxes
Can i still coom
ye was referring to the wojaks. going overboard on the smile isn't gonna go away since it's just lack of self-confidence/not wanting to smile or just not being photogenic and being aware of it
invest on this dick
is it feminine though?