This is RUST done right

This is RUST done right.

Attached: fo76logo.jpg (500x700, 151.63K)

Kill yourself

The soundtrack is pure soul.

whats with all of the 76 threads recently? did todd make more hollow promises about it or some shit?

this game is full of soul literally an example of good game design and how it should be done, too bad redditors circlejerked this game to death

It is a conspiracy i'm sure of it.

Hear me out. Is 76 possibly too good of a game, for people to appreciate?
The Nuclear encryption has to be the most big brain challenges I have ever seen put in a game.
I think there is a possibility this game is too good and too intellectual for casuals.

I legitimately love this game though. It's a really nice and not grindy open world game with a great looking world design. The combat is pretty underrated too tb'h, the guns are an improvement from FO4.

look ma, I'm trolling /v

steam release and human NPC update incoming

this, right balance of not too grindy but addictive gameplay.


Too bad all of the enemies are boring bullet sponges just like every Bethesda game.

>implying reddit isn't just as shitty as Yas Forums
The only difference is that i can't call you a retarded fucking nigger on reddit

I don't get how boring garbage with soulless open world design like BoTW get so much praise here while nobody cares about how great 76's world is.
>b-but muh bugs...
>b-but online
Are those the only criticism they can think of?

Attached: wHBIczt.jpg (3271x3240, 1.67M)

No, this op is something that you would see on reddit. You got it the other way around.

Telling lies on the internet again user?

This ^

You know better.

When I hear people criticising this game now, I just think they are spoilt. It has everything.

Nothing about this greasefire is "done right."

If Appalachia was protected from the blasts due to the geography how come all the humans are fucking dead. In contrast, how come the razed cities and barren deserts in Fallout 1 and 2 were still teeming with human life.

Someone give me an honest answer: Why the fuck didn't the game come with human NPCs. There are robots... but why not humans? Why?

I thought Rust was Rust done right. Has a slow grindy beginning but once you get some tools it becomes pretty addicting.

>steam release
That's so fucking pathetic lmao

They got infected by a mutagenic plague.

Because there was a plague in the region that killed all the people after the bombs. Survivors fled.
F1 and 2 are set 200 years after the bombs.

Bethesda is paying the bot farms for viral marketing. The managers are in russia but the marketers are in africa.

Attached: 200311133930-russian-troll-farm-super-169.jpg (1100x619, 123.66K)

>Irrelevant e-celeb #846 made a conveniently 10-minute long YouTube video that said Fallout 76 is shit. Ergo, I must parrot his opinion without formulating one myself.

Very epic, gentlemen.

Fallout 76 is set in 2102 while fallout 1 is in 2161.

scorched plague wiped everyone out

Npcs gonna npc. What can you do?

>New "plague" that we just pulled out of our asses that turned everyone into not-zombies.

Very creative! I'm glad they're putting the great creative liberties of the Fallout universe to heart.

FO1 and FO2 are set 84 and 164 years after the bomb respectively.

>fallout 2
>bring scientists and engineers out of vault 13 only to turn them into retarded tribal villagers
I'd rather see new mutants.

So is it good now? How is the ps4 version?

You'd better play the console version. It's much cheaper and isn't plagued with hackers. The performance issues have been patched and it pretty much runs better than Fallout 4 now.