Nice bright SUNNY day in the Midgar slums.
Nice bright SUNNY day in the Midgar slums
There was sun in the parts where Aeris lived. That's how she was able to grow flowers and whatnot.
Cyberpunk 2077 criticizm all over again.
Yes, sun shines even for poor people sometimes.
>A fucking SUN
The sector 5 slums look goddamn incredible in this game
Yas Forums talks about SOUL all day but is too contrarian to recognize it if it dares show up in a AAA title.
They showed a day shot in the beginning of the game you stupid faggot. Do you need more gloom and brown? Go play any wrpg.
Not when you're literally living under a giant metal plate.
>muh realism
Soulless NPCs don't understand that artistic vision is more important.
Her house was the exception with a few bits of light and flowers. The rest was desolate and lit only by whatever lights they had on them.
They literally have a fucking city on TOP of them so yeah no shit it's supposed to be dark. Remake added lights to the bottom of the plates, light from the sides, and one sector that has clear open skies.
That's what made it unique.
Which was the exception. The slums are literally a neighbourhood under another. You can only get sunlight that comes from the sides or from cracks in the top plate, but not from directly above you.
I'm sure not getting any sun coming from my roof, considering my roof is the floor from the person living above me.
The extra light was done due to PS4 limitations.
Being "in the shade" looks bad, if you dont use more complex lighting methods with ambient occlusion.
So they just allowed the light to reach under the plate by an unreasonable amount.
(IMO the easier way to do this, was to just mimic the night time lighting effects, with the exception of how bright the sky is in the distance.)
Also, Aeriths Church was RIGHT at the exit to Midgar.
Her house is "near" is, but in FF7 terms, thats not the best 1:1 means to measure distance. But none the less, light did reach her house, so Id imagine it was still close to the edge of Midgar.
Now that sector actually looks great. Like I'd love to live there.
Also her church was a tiny parish church in the original. Remake it's a god damn massive cathedral bigger than Notre dam.
Why are there plants everywhere...........?
It was not because of the sun, plants grew there. The original game made a point to show that the entire area around Midgar was absolutely devoid of any kind of plant life due to mako reactors.
Because inconsistency in the setting. S-E retconned reactors to not be as bad to the environment as in the original.
There's an unfinsihed sector and I think they moved it to be now Aerith's sector.
The size of buildings from outside were smaller than they are inside, due to screen limitations.
You cant see the church in full on your screen, so they made it much smaller looking when outside.
remember, when inside, you saw at least 3 floors of height, when dropping the barrels on the shinra soldiers.
the remakes size is probably 10-20% bigger, but not that exaggerated.
Also, cathedrals are easily much bigger than that thing. Id say thats only a tiny bit bigger than the average church. (due to the extra floor height mostly)
>world map theme playing in the fucking slums
retard theres supposed to be zero sunlight and no faggy plate lights
so its just the reactors holding up the plates? why isn't there train system that doesn't go into the slums? doesn't make sense that anyone on the top plate would want to enter the slums
no it wasn't the church was beside the plate separation nice try fag.
and it was continuously dark because of the smog even on the upper plates it was eternal night.
>beside the plate separation
you literally walk out of midgar in the next screen over, seeing the church right there. (On disc 3)
>consolefags will defend this
why is there a church anyway? there was zero religion with the cetra where did the jewish menorah come from if theres no jewish god in ffvii?
Internally it looks similar. But the outside shot it's bigger than Notre Damme.
Why does Yas Forums hate the sun so much
These are supposed to be fucking SLUMS?
Why do all the textures in Sector 5 slums drop in fidelity massively? What the fuck
inside looks fine.
How the shit is this a slum? This looks better than any place I've ever lived.
Sector 5 slums was rushed.
Wasn't the point of a FF7 remake to have good graphics? This looks like shit.
That's a good question. Do we even see other churches? Ever?
Aren't all console games like that? They all have shit graphics, seriously.
It's just about the nicest area in the slums, but you can see it's still pretty ramshackle. Real life slums actually can look a lot like this if they've got plant life and it's a sunny day. Remake actually gets the slum aesthetic down very well, reminds me of Bangkok
In that picture you see the 2 floors, followed by the rafters/roof area.
which is what it was in the og game.
also the main hall, followed by back rooms, for length.
again, iots slightly bigger, but not by much.
when looking at the church in the og game, the front door, was roughly your height, and the door was 80% of the churches height.
but yeah, ive been to a few cathedrals, and theres one near me, they are usually taller than that, and have much more attached on the sides/back of the buildings. imo, its not "that" big.
but if the buildings ive been to are out of the normal, then id be wrong.
>dat blue outline on her left tiddy
w h e w
The first reactor looks amazing then you get day time scenes and rushed slums. That'll be full price please.
i do not understand why people still choose to play on console in 2020. the games will always look and run like shit
I thought Square was familiar with how to use Unreal Engine. This is the spottiest game of the generation.
Textures are really bad in places. Like horribly bad. It just feels so out of place, seeing the highly detailed main characters walk around between mediocre npcs and outright bad textures. Like a bad HD mod.