"Let's design the level with so many enemies, half of which poison you, that there's only one way to play it."

>"Let's design the level with so many enemies, half of which poison you, that there's only one way to play it."

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badly designed area, i hardly die here but it is just a terrible area.

still better than the next level. stupid fucking purple samurai

>"Let's design a shooting game where ammo is scarce, but you can farm it through QTE on piƱatas. Oh and enemies are based on weak points and a rock-paper-scissor system, so you'll have to switch like a maniac between every gun. You might be pinned in a corner with an ineffective gun, but players will love it! And let's put an enemy with an unbreakable shield that dash. So much fun. What? not enough time to design the maps? Just add a lot of platform jump."

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>game has a couple of levels with one damage type
>I have to change MY resistances or avoid attacks, fucking BULLSHIT GAME MY WAY, MY WAY

Cmon dude, you know there's multiple poison/trap themed areas in each game. They're fun the invade in, they're fun to fuck around in the first time.


The best part is that you don't even need to change your build in the slightest if you know what you're doing, avoiding poison is fairly easy and you get plenty of moss (and can just buy more people never seem to want to use the shops in these games).

Honestly found the ammo/QTE thing a bit tiring early on but what is it about direct player input that retards seem to find so crushingly hard.

Can't waste souls on luxuries. Fucks the Soul Memory.

>can literally run past everything in like 10 minutes

you are a retard if you even come close to running out of ammo

>to drain the poison from the boss room, stop the windmill
Alright, that makes sense, since the machinery must be pumping poison up from the swamp at the base of the tower.
>to stop the windmill, set it on fire by igniting the metal axle
What the fuck?

fucking WAAAAAAAH jesus, sl metas were boring.

It was literally wooden.

It's clearly metal.

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Darksouls II was a fucking mess. Cant believe people like the embarrassingly bland level designs and lack of continuity

>t. never seen a windmill irl

Do you know what an axle is, retard?

I'm a simple man, give me a sword and an enemy to hit and it's okay by me

You certainly are a simple man. Everyone knows literally the only reason to ever play a Souls game is because of the lore and contiguous level design.

you just described every game in the series

Maybe it's greasy

Im a gigantic hypocrite whinging about 2 having played all these fucking games multiple times. It just seemed like such a waste after Darksouls 1 was just so kino.

I play souls games only for PvP
I don't particularly care about the rest if it has no direct impact on multiplayer (e.g. item variety)

axle grease wasnt invented until 1800's

At most the the most cryptic thing of all that is actually KNOWING you can do that and HOW to do it. It's the only part in the whole game you can do something like that with the fire.

DS2 is late 90s, yeah?

Sometimes I feel like a minority because I just play Souls for the single player experience.

You're not, not by a long shot.

>opinion, brag but another opinion

What is with the souls community and it's inability to not brag about their achievements in this game, it almost supersedes actual criticism of the game.

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It's underrated, the singleplayer.

If you don't say its easy, 100% someone will say "git gud". Its the default response. Leads to basically every criticism having some variation of "Its easy" before it.

Git gud is a meme. Just ignore inane meme responses like any normal person would.

Anyone who avoid Darksouls multi is justified, early days it was fun, later on invading became so dogshit in 1+2 with a HUGE majority of people cheating or using SL meta builds to hunt new players with zero chance of winning.

>get invaded early on on a new run, im maybe lvl 22
>its some SL 60 guy with full endgame gear spamming "im sorry"
>there is literally a line of people like this waiting to invade at all times

I miss fight club and etiquette bouts tho