Why couldn't FF7 remake be like these two games? The original but better? Why is this so hard for Square Enix to accomplish?
Why couldn't FF7 remake be like these two games? The original but better...
>The original but better?
Yeah but res 1 still sucks
Having shit taste should be bannable
>shit story
>shit gameplay
>shit fixed camera
>Shit voiced acting
>Can soft lock yourself in the first hour
>No way to interact with combat and killing a zombie is RNG
>nonsensical puzzles
>wow! it doesn't compare to modern standards, so therefore it's bad.
>Pokémon beyond the OG 150
Leaf Green and Fire Red were the only acceptable remakes
Even the fucking creator admitted he wants to remake the remake.
hgss is shit what are you smoking
Every Pokemon game is literally the exact same thing. Easy not to disappoint when you take zero risks.
>zoomies and FF7r/nomura defense force ACTUALLY believe this.
Other than the copy pasta shit post for guaranteed yous, before this week, I've never seen anyone complain about REmake before, at all.
>The original but better?
But that's what they did? Unless you wanted to read text boxes and have turn based combat in 2020.
>turn based combat in 2020.
Yes please
>implying turn based is dated.
if anything remake's combat is dated. it's just your typical generic mindless hack and slash.
Zoomers are retarded so they think the same game but differently only means changing the gameplay. Also, as a generation, they're behave as a vocal minority and by vocal I mean screeching faggots.
Thanks for reminding me how shit ORAS was... I was just leaving behind that episode delta shitfest
Invest in a rope
Go play it first. Protip; it's long as fuck to see everything it has.
>can soft lock yourself in the first hour
Probably that he's so bad he just runs out of bullets and gets stuck
if you play Chris you can pick up pistol, pistol ammo, ribbon, shotgun ammo, knife, and blue jewel from breaking the statue
you can't pick up the key to get to the first chest
Use the ammo
HGSS is a shitty remake, REmake is the posterchild of good remakes.
you then can't kill the dogs
HG/SS took out all the soul with it's shitty gen 4 engine. REmake enhcanced RE1 in everyway
>HG/SS took out all the soul with it's shitty gen 4 engine.
The Pokemon series got good with Gen 4 (Platinum). Gen 2 is proto-KANTOOOOOOO and doesn't hold up at all except in the eyes of comfyfags.
You’re supposed to use the ammo to free up your inventory. The game is punishing you for being a retard and picking up everything you see. It’s called good game design, not a softlock you cretin
What dogs? The ones you get the fake key from? You only get the dog whistle to call the dogs after you’ve been able to go to both item boxes in the mansion for a fair amount of time
I still can't get over just how good HGSS were. Like, insanely better than the originals, and still better than everything that's come out since. How did GF peak with them instead of building on them? I have yet to see a single series fucking ramp up that much in one single release and then just peter out.
I'd wish for something like a TTYD remake or a Bioshock reboot but we all know what would happen
>Carrying an ink ribbon around
>ike, insanely better than the originals, and still better than everything that's come out since.
It's not better than Platinum and not better than Gen 5. HGSS couldn't even fix the main issues of the originals and pushes gimmicks in the hope that retards will overlook it. I would trade walking pokemon for a Vs. Seeker and a level curve that isn't shit.