In the spirit of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake's backlash...

In the spirit of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake's backlash, I've decided it's high time for me to finally play the original FF7 - but I have some questions for any FF7 veterans out there.
>I've heard the English localization is apparently very bad and full of plotholes. Is this true? Is there a patch/mod to fix this?
>Is there a specific version I should play, or should I just emulate the Playstation version?
>Any tips for me to not get filtered?

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I'd recommend using retroarch, Beetle PSX and using the CRT filter 'CRT royale'

It needs a CRT filter for the backgrounds to look good. Disregard all other opinions.

PC version is fucking annoying and mods don't download half the time. AI upscaled backgrounds look like ass.

The english translation is fine but there are some weird parts that may give you the impression it was translated in Japan and not by native english speakers.

Playstation is fine if you want to go as vanilla as possible. Steam for modding potential but I recommend vanilla for a first time.

Don't worry, you won't get filtered. Enjoy the game at your pace and don't use guides. At most I'd recommend a guide for getting a Golden Chocobo without racing. Racing is a drag.

Based zoomer. I'm 22 and played it recently and loved it. Full of soul.

The Enemy Skill materia is absolutely overpowered, it's a bunch of useful skills in one provided you go out of your way to find said skills. Big Guard and White Wind are so good

Emulate the PS1 version. I don't think there are any translation patches that don't also totally change the translation to "translators not: keikaku means plan" type cringe. For the most part the original translation is good though, not in terms of accuracy but in terms of tone.

There should be a ps1 version of the new translation, but it's pretty finicky to get it working.

Tried playing the original recently, but the braindead combat and random encounters was too much of a bore for me. Think I'm just going to watch a playthrough instead.

Backlash, what happened? Gonna get it when it goes to $20 like every game after a few months

I've played the PS1 version a bunch in the past, but my question is how's the switch version?

He’s gonna miss a ton of cool shit. The game is definitely meant to played more than once.

Just play the original on a ps1 emulator you fucking faggot.
holy fucking shit this post gave me aids

>22 year old calling anyone a zoomer
I think I'm too old for this shithole shame there is nowhere else to go.

Does the Switch version and PS1 version use different scripts?

CRT royale's bloom and colour bleed gave me eye cancer.

I'm gonna jump back into it, stopped at Rocket Town first visit because I wanted to play the remake instead. Still like the original's graphics aside from the polygon characters, any fix/mod that doesn't look completely out of place?

switch is just the steam/ps4 version. as far as i know they just eliminated disc switching or something

I thinking of re-downloading ff7 and modding it for another playthrough, does Tifa's Final Heaven
7th Heaven Mod resource work with the PC version, the steam version only (if they're different), or the PSX iso?

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If you are playing on PC, check out New Threat + Remako. New Threat is more QoL + rebalance so that the game has some difficulty. It's not over the moon or anything. It isn't supposed to be some hardcore hack. I'm playing through it right now (just got to Cosmo Canyon) and my gripes with it are pretty small.

I'm a newfag to emulation, am I supposed to upscale the game to fit my 1440p monitor or just play it in a smaller window?

PC versions. There's a 2.0 vesion out and it will literally make the steam version into an older version if the mod requires it. You'll need a way to mount virtual discs for easiest access, and I really recommend something like joy2key if you intend to use something like a 360 controller and desire to use the D-pad. It's pretty damn easy to mod. Just Google the 2.0 version and then you can download mods from within the program/launcher.

Literally whatever you prefer. In the case of FF7, you may as well play the PC version + remako if you are going to be upscaling it.-- the game has a ton of prerendered backgrounds and such that upscaling in an emulator isn't going to help.

That excerpt from Tolkien will be useful. Shame several pages of the section are missing from google.

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I'd recommend not wasting your time, it's a boring game with terrible gameplay.

If you insist, then get used to using speedhacks.

i just finished the game today for the first time and it's fucking great, definitely one of the goats

i steamrolled sephiroth so hard he only got 1 attack in though, i'd do emerald and ruby weapons but fuck chocobo breeding and fuck racing

Thanks a ton! I'll be setting it up after I finish my first ff10 playthrough Just got the airship transportation access

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runs pretty smooth and they enable cheat codes into the sticks.
>Click left stick for 3x speed
>Click right stick for instant Limit breaks and full mana and heal
>Both sticks for NO encounters

Cheers. One last thing. If you are wanting to use the AI upscaled graphics (I recommend them, personally), then I suggest downloading them separately and manually adding them to the loader. Otherwise you end up downloading two graphics mods and waste a few gigs of space if you download it within the loader since each download is actually a mod pack based upon theme.

>he finally realizes that if you wanted to play a 23 year old game, you've had 23 years to do it.

New FF is good.

The Steam version is perfectly fine, they fixed most translation issues and the general spirit of the game is maintained.

I'd not recommend the playstation version unless it's an emulator with better resolution, because playstation is like 240p and the game will look like dogshit.

I'd recommend 7th Heaven, but you'll want these which are not auto loaded in it(at least last time I looked)

NiNoStyle Character Models

FF7 SYW "ArkTsukiVock" (v4)

Enhanced Stock UI (2.0)

These are the most faithfull to the original game and straight out graphical upgrades. You'll need to add in NPC chars and a few others through 7th Heavens cataloge but thats easy. If you want a retranslation look up Beacause, theres a few things diff you have to do, at least last time I looked.

After about 20 hours in, I can confidently say that ff7r is fucking great. Yes, you can get butt hurt about the story changes but all of the characters are completely intact if not more fleshed out. I love turn based combat but the deeper you get into the remake, the more the combat is just as methodical and strategic.
It is different, but different is not bad. Basically think of it as a movie remake or adaptation of a book. The shining is a fun read and the Kubrick film is a thing of its own.

Get the Steam version and install New Threat. That improves the gameplay so you actually have to use the mechanics rather than the game's anemic original difficulty letting you mindlessly facetank everything, and also fixes the original translation with it's own script. There's a bunch of extra fights which also make the game more interesting, most notably the first boss tenaciously chasing you across the entire game like it's the Terminator.

>advent children character portraits and powerpoint-ish UI

holy fucking yikes

OP, just emulate the PSX verison with Beetle on Retroarch

I can't even remember what was supposed to be wrong with it. Then again I wasn't paying much attention to the plot.

Stop being logical

The big problem with the localization basically boiled down to making certain plot elements more convoluted then they really were. Sephiroth Clones for example was a localization term, which resulted in the writing breaking down into a borderline gibberish about Cloud thinking he's nothing more than a clone of Sephiroth. Funny enough there was a scene cut from the game altogether with its dialogue still localized, where Red XIII outright clarifies that "clones" were not literal, so maybe it was intentional.

Translation does suck but you’ll have to put up with it, the fan retranslations are completely soulless and are written by retards

Just emulate the PS1 version. The only mods worth getting for the PC version are balance patches that you shouldn’t play for your first play through

The game is braindead easy. You won’t get filtered if you are even a little bit experienced with JRPGs. It’s still incredibly fun because of how broken the Materia system is, the level of customisation is incredible.

Seems like the only FF thread worth a damn, even if its proved that FF7R is a sequel of sorts, if it has anything going for it, it's the soundtrack. OP enjoy your journey with the original, but know that if you ever dive into the remake you're in for a treat with the soundtrack alone.

to us nostalgia fags, the remake is everything we thought it could be.

Thats just an option, a retarded one I'll admit.

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At this point im pretty sure that the fags that say that the original aged like milk are literal underages.
Recently replayed it on Switch and it still holds out imo,the only problem is that normal attacks are way more optimal than using materia 90% of the time. Elemental materia is pretty much useless and then theres broken shit like Big Guard.
Oh ya, and buy a shitton of grenades early game, makes the entire Midgar section a joke

New Threat fixes the gameplay and localization.

It's just a major case of old good new bad

I dunno, all the notable changes from the original seem to be objective downgrades to me. Midgar wasn't expanded on at all, you don't get to see the upper Plate, more Sectors or other terrorist groups, it's just filler shoved in to artifically expand the game length. Jessie's last words being flirty and snarky rather than filled with pathos, guilt and reflection as a contrast to her usual behavior in the face of death is kind of shit, for instance. Same goes for stripping away the mystique that made Sephiroth such a memorable villain, where for the first ten or so hours of the game all you saw of him was the devastating aftermath of his passing, and even when you did finally see him he was alien and unknowable, doing shit like walking through walls and acting on logic incomprehensible to mortals.

And that's not even getting into the obvious stuff like the game going from being relatively grounded to Advent Children in a heartbeat or the time ghosts.

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