What's the quintessential doomer video game?

What's the quintessential doomer video game?

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doom you fucking idiot



fuck off

I genuinely hate wojak memes

>I genuinely hate wojak memes

Silent Hill 2. Always and forever. The Witcher 3 is pretty depressing and shows that everyone is evil in their own way, I suppose. Fallout 4 has some tiny parts of it that are like this if you look hard enough. Like a female skeleton laying next to a crib with alcohol and a gun next to her. Or skeletons of an old couple in wheelchairs holding hands. Things like that.

>wojak posters are so fucking lazy they can't even select an image to post with

>Fuck bros she left me. Post doomer kino for this feel.

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Basedjakers way overtook them for me

I'm trans.
I love wojak.
Deal with it bigots.

Depression Quest

Dark Souls was pretty bleak for me

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Just in atmosphere. The writing and dialogue are jaunty as hell.

Doomer meme is just a trojan horse for zoomers.

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>pretending to be clinically depressed is fun

Go back


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posting reddit memes on reddit for PS3

Sorry about your life.


its insane how popular they are with normies now


This is peak zoomer humor.
>Im le ironically depressed XD
Go back.

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Why? Its Yas Forums’s own meme.

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>uses fallout 4 and tw3 as examples of storytelling


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>post election fags think theyre Yas Forums

>im so devoid of character that my only trait is a mental condition
Zoomers everyone.

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>no true 4channer fallacy

Posting on Yas Forums

Oh wow you read the Yas Forums sticky. It really is an electionfag