Bannerlord: Simperial Edition

You DID bow to your Empress, right Yas Forums?

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No because I'm not a coomer

Cool, where's the rape button

Of course. I'm even working a dedicated banner for it.

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give it time, there will be mods.

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I want my face to be her throne.

>cant marry her
>cant force her into your sex dungeon

Derthert is hogging all the fiefs again

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Kill him

Nope, I executed the loopy broad the moment she was dumb enough to attack me while besieging one of her castles.
All her territory now belongs to the Khanate.

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yeah, i did. then i quit because she was too stupid to stop the nomads from taking all her land. then i beheaded her a few years later.

Why are there so many women in this game but none of the troops are?

She got STEPPED.

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>Joined Rae.
>She insisted on declaring four wars at once without giving her lords any peacetime at all to build up their legions again.
>Territory dwindles to a single city.
>Three of them make peace.
>She declares war on them all again immediately while all her lords have nothing.
>Left the faction in disgust.
>Had already started courting her daughter before doing so.
>Gathered the banners, took a castle, declared my own faction.
>Head back to Rae's last city to marry her daughter and further legitimize my claim.
>Looks like she's been hiring more lords somehow.
>It's literally just a constant stream of lords traveling between her city and the two villages they own, no shit, they are shoulder to shoulder trying to get there first to recruit even a single man the instant one becomes available.
>Not one of them has more than 20 men.
>Rae herself is lined up to get a recruit and has only 40 men.
>An Aserai caravan trundles past with 50 men and you can feel the palpable shame in the air as 12 nobles with an army of no more than 20 men each watch it pass.
>Go to the lord's keep to talk to her and her daughter.
>6 pages of lords crammed in there, even with the lineup to each village.
>She literally just must keep hiring new lords but none of them can get recruits and since she's still apparently declaring constant ill-advised wars on everyone, NONE of them have any men.
>The keep is so packed there are lords standing on the laps of lords sitting in the chairs.
>Every chair in the keep has three lords clustered around it waiting for their turn to sit.
>Meet Ira and pass the check to marry her.
>Go to talk to Rae.
>She's sitting at a desk with ten lords clustered behind her.
>Another six hovering in the nearby bedchamber because they have nowhere else to stand.
>Pay her a pittance of 8200 gold for her daughter.
Literally turned her own nation into a third-world country.

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Why is this so funny

I wanna capture her after a tremendous battle, lock her up inside my castle and have her live on a semen-soup based diet until she forgets she was an empress. hopefuly mods will deliver

What happens when you execute a faction leader?

I didn't bow to her, but I did bang her tomboy daughter and bring her home to my castle before conquering all of the Southern Empire.

same except with her daughter too

Because she dug her own grave.
I haven't even finished her off yet, I just left her and her city-state of beta orbiters there after snatching Ira away. Every now and then I pop in to see how bad it's gotta. Every couple weeks she declares war on me, and it's almost cute, like a puppy trying to growl at you.

If she keeps declaring war, why hasn't she been taken out by one of the other factions?

>Playing the old patch

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Objectively best faction, no I'm not going to explain why, faggot

Because 100 lords with twenty men each is still 2000 men, and they're all always clustered around the only city she has left to defend it. But none of them ever get above the 40% troop capacity necessary to form an army and attempt to recapture any territory.

Eh, I'm always hesitant to update because It usually means one or more mods break and I have to start a new game. I've just torched three saves in a row before starting this one to patches, so I figured fuck it, I'm going to actually play one through for a while before letting any more download.

What difficulty do you guys play on? Just bumped it down to easiest to test it and the game just plays itself.

All on realistic except player damage.

take this shit to /vg/ jesus

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fuck off tranny

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It's not a general until we run out of things to talk about.

Take your ass to /trash/ where it belongs.

I play with everything set on realistic. Game is way too easy otherwise

So far I've been lucky with my mods not breaking. What mods you using?