Which should I play first? Which is the better game?

Which should I play first? Which is the better game?

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Watch movie cuts of Metal Gear 1 and 2 first.
Then play in release order. 2 or 3 being better is a endless debate.

It’s the first game chronologically and 2 doesn’t make sense unless you’ve played 1 (or twin snakes) first.

If you have to start with 3 but then 1 and 2.
Preferably play 1,2 and 3

MGS3 is the first one I played, and it's so good that I can confidently say I would not have given the other games a chance if I didn't try 3 first. Probably one of my favorite games of all time. If you only play one game from this series, make it this one.

Thanks, I was curious because I've heard people say play 3 and then 2

You cannot appreciate 2 unless you have played 1 first. I can't emphasize this enough. You should have no problem emulating 1, and I strongly recommend you start with it, period.
I guess you can play 3 first if you really really want to, but do not fucking play 2 until you have beaten 1.

Those people are idiots. Big reveals in the Solid Snake era are treating as casual mentions in the Big Boss era because they assume you experienced them properly already.

This is the shill casual opinion.

Is MGS1 nostalgiabait though? I don't care that much about story if the gameplay is good,Im on Xbone and I can emulate Playstation games but it's a bit trickier

3 is trash with awful game design
2 is a masterpeice with great game design

It has aged, I'm glad I played it for myself instead of watching a playthrough but I can easily see new comers being turned off. Every aspect about MGS2 is based on MGS1 so you have to at least watch the movie cut from these videos first.

MGS3 is better
play 2 if "it was a dream/simulation xD! " 3deep5u arguments dont piss you off

It's still great except it is short 3 hours of cutscene for 3 hours of gameplay and obviously it's ugly like all ps1 game, best boss

I don't care what you think. In the end I liked all 3 of the original trilogy.

3 is widely recommended as the first game you should play because it's so good that it makes you want to check out the original games.
Whereas if you play the others first, there's a good chance you'll drop the series and miss out on the masterpiece that is Snake Eater
Snake Eater is cool in the sense that you can play through it, have a blast, miss the references, play through the previous entries, then go back to play MGS3 because you got that itch to play a masterpiece, then go "OH THATS WHAT THAT WAS, COOL"

It was one of the most groudbreaking games in the industry.
Can zoomers even begin to understand the growth of this medium ?

3 is best but both are 10/10

>Implying ground breaking = holds up forever.
Fucking love me some JSR, was heart broken to pick it up again to discover the controls are shit.

None of these games are "hardcore." They're all easily cheesed

itd be tough to go back if you played 3 first

MGS2 was the first metal gear game I've played. It was confusing as hell but I still loved it.
You should play or watch 1 first, it's a very short game, then play 2, then 3.

>Steam release never, ever

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

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>Which should I play first?
Release order. It's a story driven series, there is no point on not playing it on release order.
>Which is the better game?

Can you hold up without the pressure sensitive buttons?

MGS 2 or mgs3????? Gee I don't know you retarded nigger.

I played through 1 but 2 just isnt clicking for me. The boat intro was really cool and fun but it's just kind of bland post bomb squad dude. Anyone else feel that way?

play 3 first

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>yes let my play the prequel first

That's the point

MGS2 had lots of backtracking.The bosses in 2 was way better than mgs3 imo it was more challenging and you could interact with the scenario