Years of people wanting it

>years of people wanting it
>finally happens
>literally nobody talks about it

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I paid $15 for it
I got filtered by it.
I'm not gonna talk about it.

We talked about it. Some people don't like it and expected more. I think it's absoutely everything I wanted out of the franchise, modestly budgeted and obviously made by people who cared about what they were doing. I hope we can get more games.

People wanted a third Legends game too, they got a demo on the 3ds instead of an actual game.

Games are dead. If you like old things why even consider new things?

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It wasn't Mega Man 9

>get one game
>franchise goes back to endless ports feat. gacha

>why don't people talk about a single-player game 24/7/365 like they do multiplayer games bros

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>they got a demo on the 3ds instead of an actual game.
No they didn't. They got nothing.


We talked about it a lot when it released.

MM11 was awesome. There's just not much to talk about

It's a great game, probably one of the best in the series, but it is pretty short like all megaman games, there's not much to talk about here

30XX soon

I'm not a fan of classic megaman. I did get it and I just in fact beat it on Casual today. I don't have speedrunning autism so I'm never going to play it again.

Fucking niggers give a date and a prepurchase for fucking once.

I got it, chose normal because “I’ve played my share, I can play on normal” and proceeded to get my shit kicked in. I wanna play it, but I don’t wanna bitch out and drop the difficulty. Anyone else think this game is harder than some of the others?

>Game came out a year and a half ago
>Asking why isn't anyone talking about this 24/7
All discussions have been exhausted even in the daily Megaman threads where people just wanna shitpost and post fanart.

Or you could stop being a faggot if you just wanted to talk about it OP

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It's good but it's kind of middle of the road for classic megaman. The boss fights are the highlight, the weapon set isnt bad and the weapon costumes are a nice touch

It probably has the weakest soundtrack in the series, the worst wily fortress and the stage design is hit and miss (I personally think it has an over reliance on mine bosses and the stages are a touch too long and become repetitive). Again not a bad game but its definitely no MM9

I would play it but I have a toaster.

If you mean other megaman games, it's about standard fare if you don't use the gears.

It's about the same difficulty as most other classic MM games, give or take. Don't feel bad about playing on easy and working your way up to normal. It's a pretty short game anyways, even for the classic series. You can play it once on easy to get accustomed to it and try it again on normal afterwards.

Soundtrack could be better if they didn't fully just use EDM shit and Iused different instruments.

Picked it up, 100%d all the cheevos, drove my blood pressure into quads at the end of the Dr Light Trial and honestly ended up really enjoying it.

I like the open ended start point at any boss, leaves some actual conversation about preferred speed run starts (I argue it is more effective to start at Tundra so you get to Impact after getting rush jet) and hope we see a sequel in the same vein

It was honestly the perfect game to instigate a Megaman comeback. Probably my favorite of the classic series and very underappreciated. It's pretty difficult though and yellow devil is such a fucking pain it's not even funny.

What did you expect, OP? It's a very straight forward, safe Mega Man game. Sold over a million copies, too.

Thankfully you can just abuse his new multii mini attack hard enough to cut the fight short after one round of his usual nonsense

I think because everyone wants X9 or Legends 3 more, Classic is purely an oldfag series at this point.

It happened back in 2018 and it's still brought up during Megaman threads. Game was a commercial success and, combined with the legacy collections, did successfully revive the series from dormancy.

>the weapon set isnt bad
Funny way of saying the best. Special weapons have never synergized better with the stage design than in 11 and they've never been easier to use thanks to the quick select on the right stick. 11's probably been the most tasteful refinement the series has seen since 4 with the charge shot.

>literally no one talks about it
I dont know what else you think there is to talk about? It was a decent game and most people have already talked about it. Most single player games just follow a "release it, play it, discuss it, then drop it" format. Theres only so much you can talk about for so long user. That is of course until we get "remember this game?" threads

It's not even that they used EDM shit, it's that they used such a limited instrument set in some kind of bizarre NES emulating, completely forgetting that the NES used a ton of different tricks for different "instrument" sounds.

Every track in MM11 has almost the same instrument synths, with some small changes here and there.

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Some tracks are great, Tundra Man in particular is a standout, but you right.

one of the best mainline MM games

I hope Megaman X9 doesn't fall into this trap and end up a horrible mess of synth guitars.

I'd kill for something as atmospheric and moody as Megaman X6 for some tracks, but it'll probably end up being more like a retread of X1.

I never wanted another Mega Man game. I wanted another ZX or something new that pushed the series forward instead of going back to Classic and dumbing things down.