Remember to bring coronablight res when monster hunting.
Remember to bring coronablight res when monster hunting
Other urls found in this thread:
Volvidon is the cause of coronablight. Stop hunting volvidons
>they made NPC requests appear 100% of the time
>Special Arenas are still random
What are you farming while all the events are up, and why isn't it Zinogre?
rathalos x narga OTP
What determines how many decorations you get, sometimes you only get 4 from him
I propose we burn all Paolumu to avoid coronablight
All luck, i've gotten as many as 6 in one go, sometimes only 2
post kill screens.
Who will be Iceborne's surprise crossovers? I still don't believe them when they said "no crossovers"
DMC again but this time you get Vergil's clothes, Yamato LS and Beowulf DB
>tfw no pub lass gf
How do I filter out chinese people from my games? They can't connect to my SOS in the first place
are they having sex?
Put Free Hong Kong in your guild card and send it to everyone that enters your hunts
I prefer Pub Resource Manager.
But Hub Lass is above all of them.
She seems to like me...;-;
Change your account name to Winnie the Pooh
there is no better feeling than knocking down a fleeing monster with a ZSD
bonus points if it's flying
extra bonus points if it's the killing blow
You always get one R11 drop, and 1% chance for a second
The rest don't really matter, R10 and below are mostly filler decos
Nice, i'll do this for now
It's just a turf war bro
not sure what to do after the story, do I finish the optional quests or do that guiding lands stuff?
guiding lands to find ruiner nergigante
mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the sexiest monster of them all?