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im so glad we finally have a meme to use against dunkey, i never was into cuck porn until this meme started now i watch it all the time. this is what he gets for shitting on octopath. keep saying it bros!!



Keep saying it

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Keep saying it

>being mad at memes

Who actually likes this faggot?

Keep saying it

Seriously tho, he keeps making the same fucking jokes over and over and over and over and over and over and over for years.

one more time please

>he keeps making the same fucking jokes over and over and over and over and over and over and over for years.
Sounds like modern Yas Forums.

Seep Kaying Ti

Yeah why aren't general threads just deleted automatically?

Keep saying it

>he keeps making the same fucking jokes over and over and over and over and over and over and over for years.
so he keeps saying it?

Continue vocalizing it

What is the "keeps saying it" meme I don't understand

>watching some nigger horse

stop eceleb posting

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There's footage of some filthy negro fucking his gf from behind while dunkey videotapes the whole thing, at some point you can hear a voice which totally resemble's Dunkey saying "keep saying it" I still don't know what she had to keep saying but I figure it was some sort of cuck fantasy shit.

Keep saying it.

>im so glad we finally have a meme to use against dunkey
And period. Everything else is just mindless babbling.

Except Leah doesn’t have moles on her back like the whore in the vid or so they allege.

Wait what the fuck there's no way this is real. Is there somewhere I can read about this?

just keep saying it

would be a real shame if i un-did your hard work typing 'sage' into the options field wouldnt it there friend

What's the meme I'm out of the loop

thank you~

You know how Dunkey and Leah could fuck up the meme? Is if they met their porn doubles, if they exist.



Octopath is a mediocre game, with good music and no soul user. Accept it.

>funny threads that should stay
Angry Joe, Chad Warden, Boogey, CWC, Cinemassacre kino
all others are boring shit

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Of course it isn't real, user. C'mon.

>Lumping in based Chad Warden and LTG in with the rest of them
Fuck off

>dunkey says VR is not ready for the consumer market
Really wish this dumb piece of shit would shut the fuck up over things he has no fucking idea what the actual fuck he's talking about.
He has some funny content and should stick to the jokes, not commentary about the fucking industry.

Continue to utter it.

not only are you an idiot, you're an idiot replying to pasta