WoW shadowlands

>Pandas get added
>Foxes get added
>Elves get a sun tan
So wow is pretty much dead, and the community killed it.

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gives a completely new definition to the name n. elves

>adds different races over time
>haha nah let's just make other races brown
black elves are so fucking dumb looking

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no way that's fucking real

it's gonna take a lot of colonizing to fix this, mankind's work is never over

>take animal species from earth
>make it walk on 2 legs and have the exact same personality and life motivations of a human
>"different race"

Panda girls are based.

At least lore asspulls have historically been contextualized. Will there be a quest added where Blood Elves get burnt to a crisp?

What’s the lore behind this change

pandas are less offensive than worgen

More hair colors is always nice because you can dye your hair. But canonically, all high elves and blood elves come from the same geographical region. There is no reason why there would be dark-skinned high/blood elves. But then again, the same applies to the WoW humans. They are all from Stormwind, which again, is from a single geographical region. There is no "asian" area for humans to come from. Dark Iron Dwarves are all dark skinned because they live primarily underground. It makes sense. Are they going to add pale skinned dark irons now for muh inclusivity?

Ultimately it doesn't matter that they add more skin types to the game, but it doesn't make sense lore-wise.

First explain how there's enough surviving blood elves to be playable. Arthas wiped the fuck out of their homeland and capital city. The survivors left with kael'thas, and then fucking magically they come back out of nowhere? And to answer your question, a wizard did it, just like in outland when there were red skinned belfs from magical corruption.

What killed WoW is shit like the fact that people care far more about elves having black skin than the gameplay being total garbage.

I can easily look past it not making sense lore wise. But at least put effort in, they just look retarded.

>Dark Iron Dwarves are all dark skinned because they live primarily underground
No, they're dark skinned because ragnaros made them that way.

If they added color selection where you could pick any color you faggots would still complain.
It literally doesn't matter.

>not caring about the niggerization of elves

What do you expect? Nobody plays WoW except minmaxing autists who slave away in any system you give them, and inept autogynephilic losers

Chocolate elf pusy

>Playing a game you enjoy makes you a simp
Jesus christ the state of Yas Forums.

The color of their skin literally means nothing. Its just a color. Its has nothing to do with real life.

What possible reason do they have for making them that way when they've been light skinned since the dawn of time?

niggers don't own the color black, fictional races aren't hollywood where every character has to be reduced to a BAME actor

fantasy games always refer to different species and different races

does it matter what color your elf is when every class has like 10 buttons total?

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The trannies want more character customization

Could be worse, could be like Classic where most classes have 1-4 buttons they regularly use.

Go back to pol

Wow has been shit ever since they decided that pvp should be about chasing healers and ignoring everything else until they're dead.

what really bothers me is that while the recent stories in wow are doubling down on titans, the lore simultaneously completely ignores that the reason living beings exist in their current state is because of a literal elder god curse of flesh. i hate wows storytelling because it can but fucking metal at times but then you get blasian humans for no reason

maybe raid rotations sure but as a warlock I can barely fit all my abilities on the screen and I use them all for pvp and farming etc

>blasian humans for no reason
So white is the default?

Pandaren were a thing since Warcraft 3


>implying this is when it became SJWshit