They're going to ruin FF 6 next.
They're going to ruin FF 6 next
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you cant ruin games with bad grafics
pro tip
They already did
>ff8 remake
>they actually confirm that rinoa is ultimecia and make that a plot point
how about they just remake one of the shitty ones from the ground up and hope the added awfulness loops back around and makes it great
It's a remake, you should expect a different story
You're thinking of remaster if you want the same shit.
If ruining is doing what they done with FF VII, please, ruin FF VI next. ASAP.
That would actually make the game much better
No a reboot is when they remake plus changing the story. A remake is when they remake the game using new assets, a remaster is optimizing old assets. You're a retarded nigger btw
I want to see this reimagining of FF4 or FF5.
Imagine having this amount of quality with a job class system.
Hopefully they manage to just not fugg up Bravely Default II and I'll have something to look forward to.
The Bravely Series as a spin-off of FFV is really the best thing they probably have going right now.
Who cares about FF V it's a mediocre forgettable one only known for its job system
If they change gameplay and/or rebuild the graphics from the ground up is already a remake. No need to go ball deeps retarded with the plot changes.
REmake1? Is a remake. Plot is the same, graphics and gameplay are improved, one extra place to visit.
Shadow of the colossus ps4? Is a remake despise being practically the same game as the original.
Shadow of the colossus ps3? Is a remaster.
FF4 DS? A remake.
FFX-HD? Is a remaster.
DMC3HD? Is a remaster.
A remaster is more often than not an upscale with minimal texture improvement. A remake is rebuilt graphically from the ground up. Can have or not different or expanded gameplay.
Now I know you know all of this. Fucking shill.
>game known for its gameplay
>this is a bad thing
"In terms of how faithful the remake is to the original Final Fantasy VII, from the perspective of the storyline, it is very faithful indeed," Toriyama said.
>Imagine having this amount of quality
What amount of quality? We are not talking about ff7r right?
The only Final Fantasy game that they should remake is the first one. It was the most original game of the series and they could do some really cool LOTR style fantasy art direction. With modern consoles it could graphically be at the level of the actual LOTR movies if they spent enough time and money on it.
FF was never good I welcome these "ruined" remakes.
Nice looking forward to FF5R and FF6R
Coming in 2045 and 2065 exclusively to Playstation 10 and Playstation 15.
Great there going to rape and butcher 1-10+tactics next zoomer be dammed and repent!
I'd rather they actually remake FF1 and 2. Theyr'e so anemic on story as is, there's tons of room to inject more shit.
Fucking based
Not really
Remaster is the same core game but with higher quality assets.
Remake is the same core gameplay but remade (whodathunkit?) in a new engine, potentially with more content but the core of the original game is still there. The FF3 DS remake adds tons of new story but the original core events remain intact.
Reboot is like what they did with Star Trek where they inject new shit altogether, essentially restarting the franchise from the beginning but with some new elements.
FFVIII is probably the best choice for a remake. No one gives a fuck about that story. However, the music may suffer and no longer be godtier.
It's amazing how Square kept Nomura around just so retards would blame him instead of Nojima.
Nomura just designed shadow and a few monsters in 6
he has no authority to touch that
I think v and vi will just be a straight forward hd remake like trials of mana. They're not going to waste their money on re-imagining ff games that aren't popular with normies. An viii remake is the most likely after vii
how can he make the entire game take place in Narshe though?
>Nomura just designed the look of the characters in ff7
>he has no authority to touch that
Yeah but somewhere along the line he clearly usurped ff7 for some reason
whatever let em lol who gives a fuck at this point? just don't buy it if your a true fan of final fantasy.
he actually wrote some plot of ff7 though