>you now realize REMAKE is Kingdom Hearts bullshit Japanese level storyline implication title >We are remakingu our desitunydodeshu
Jordan Ward
>be time janny >enjoy the original timeline >some ban evading Alucard looking fag gets taught by Xehanort how to fuck with time >he comes and starts fucking up the original timeline you love and cherish >he completely and utterly rapes it beyond repair >he turns to you and says: "CLEAN IT UP JANNIES" >tfw
dude that's him seeing the old timeline remember he said seven seconds? he can change it this time
Gavin Peterson
But user, such esteemed video games journalists such as SHROOMASTER and GIANTMONKEYBUTT have assured me that this game is the greatest artistic masterpiece since the Creation of Adam. Do you mean to imply they were being deceitful?
That's actually too smart as it's tying the timelines in with previous ideas. As far as we can tell this has nothing to do with Jenova or the lifestream. There's some kind of place where all the timelines converge at the end of time, called the End of Creation, and Seph has access to it somehow.
Lincoln Martinez
>so is the sephiroth in remake not cocooned in the north crater
We have no idea. There's a lot of confusion and weirdness. In the original we have the Northern Crater Seph, and then Jenova takes Seph's form and escapes. Now in the remake it's clear that Seph is coming and grabbing Jenova and taking her away. Also there's clear Sephiroth Clones with numbers. In the original these were "copies" and just people designed like Seph, while in the remake they appear to be actual clones running around and you can fight kill them. There might also be multiple timeline sephiroths.
So you're getting like 20 sephs.
Jason Williams
>be Yas Forums >screech that story doesnt matter only gameplay does >reeeeeeee they ruined the story game is trash
Levi Cruz
Carter White
>be sephiroth >be literslly unkillable >keep coming back to get killed Why the fuck doesnt sephiroth just cut his loses.
Gabriel Green
Calm down, Nomura! This is the Christian board here.
Adam Murphy
yeah its weird because in the remake it seems the sephiroth clones are working with sephiroth and he's controlling them, when i'm pretty sure in the og they were just wandering north, and when they show up at the north crater he kills them
Charles Cruz
Because he will die for role if he lets his seething go. I'm not even kidding. After he got his ass kicked at the end of the game he supposedly survived by focusing all of his existence on just one point. His one point being "I really hate that Cloud kid."
Elijah Bailey
At this point it is more that fucking with Cloud is his hobby than anything else.
He can't. He literally gave up on every single thought and ambition that isn't Cloud. It was a price to pay in order to keep existing. He had to become autist for one thing, and he chose to be autistic about Cloud. Now that's his entire reason for existing. Think about really angry ghost that can't move on from this world as long as its last wish isn't completed. That's basically Sephiroth. He can't fuck off as long as he keeps hating Cloud's ass.
David Lopez
original they were just people that got Jenova injected into them by Hojo to replicate the success of Seph. they donned robes and were drawn to all coales. In the remake they seem to be literal Seph copies using Jenova's morphing powers I guess?
Wyatt Smith
Lmao his face is like: >TFW nomura timetravel plot
Joseph Campbell
i'm pretty sure they're still hojo experiments since they still have the numbers, i think they just changed it from jenova parts turning into seph clones like in the original, to seph experiments turning into seph clones and also turning into jenova
Luke Morris
I love the balls on SE for doing something so bold, it's pretty much what sets FF apart from every other game series. FFXIV 1.0 is a travesty, SE remakes the entire game, people pine for an FFVII remake for 15 years give them another sequel.
Only Final Fantasy man, best series in gaming.
Jeremiah Thomas
Why didn't the planet use the time jannies to stop Jenova from sucking up its juices, or at least stop an electric company from digging Jenova up? Do the jannies have some kind of union thing where they only enforce the planet's will in time related issues?
Luis Brown
Ok here. Yes I do think it was deceitful. I like the concept, but it was defiantly dirty.
Leo Diaz
is it sad that i found president shinra to be a better villain in remake than sephiroth
Ryan Price
Yes, it most certainly is. Anyone who touches Aeris or Sephiroth gain future sight and can see the time ghosts.
Nathaniel Green
if rufus is also a direct decendant of shinra and hes a cetra tell me why he cant also use holy?
why cant he 1v1 seph?
Jose Ross
Imagine waiting 20+ years for this
Brandon Morris
It might not be Seph's doing. It could be possible that Cloud and friends where trying to using time magic to bring back their friends.
They brought back Seph. Unintentionally. They could go that route.