I literally cannot fathom the appeal of this series, everything is so trite and banal...

I literally cannot fathom the appeal of this series, everything is so trite and banal, it's like it's written by a fucking 12 year old

Someone please edify me on why it's so popular despite seeming like the most boring uninspired soulless shit out here

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Because it's cool.

It's over the top. Not many Universes have that same spark as 40k. Everyone is the bad guy in one way or another. Also the Lore is pretty cool. Don't get upset that you can't tolerate shit getting destroyed on an epic scale. It's not for everyone obviously. Let others enjoy it and stop posting pic related.

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>Also the Lore is pretty cool

the lore is fucking pure cringe

you need to have high test to see why it's so cool. you also need to be a neckbeard to follow it.

i just find it cool but never pursued any of the tabletop or games (except for that one tps)

Ask /tg/ instead of Yas Forums

why doesn't it have any good games then? that aren't old as fuck or dead

It's cool, I played Space Marine on PS3 and being a chad who wears a massive armor and kills space orcs was fun.

I got into it recently because I got into gunpla and remembered I used to love playing tabletop games like Heroclix and thought "wow if only these models had a game around them." That's 40k. Shame they're expensive but that's what ebay's for. I'll admit the Space Marine humble bundle giveaway helped me to get into it but note how my reasoning isn't entirely video game related. It's more of a /tg/ subject. Ask them.

Just got done playing Deathwing with some peeps, it was pretty fun.

Why isn't there a big MMO for this game? Seems perfect for it.

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Mechanicus just came out.

what sci-fi franchise isn't cringe for you?

I like 40k because of how over the top it is, the idea of million man armies vs other million man/xenos armies is just hilariously cool and it gives 40k has a sense of scale that, to my knowledge, no other sci-fi universe really provides.
also i really enjoy the grim dark aspect where most civilisations in 40k are in their dying days and simply delaying their inevitable fall to chaos or extermination from orks or tyrannids
like said it's just a cool setting

>Boring, uninspired, soulless
Checks out. Most people have shit taste, that's really all there is to it.

t.has no clue about 40k lore outside of stale memes

Its supposed to be fucking retarded and over the top. Its the fans that take it seriously. Just look at the marvel tier writing that goes on with the current lore.

>ITT: Literal babies who don't know or care that Warcraft and Starcraft are blatant Warhammer/40K rip-offs

Every sci-fi franchise is ceinge and banal you utter cuck

Based OP, unless I'm so gone out of it I somehow am samefagging that is nearly a word for word thing I've asked my 40 cluck friends. Cringe shit and absolutely stupid in all facets. Worst of all it doesn't even have good porn, just bara shit.

Why is Warhammer good, but Battletech sucks?

There was one being developed but it died before release.

>Worst of all it doesn't even have good porn, just bara shit.
Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about here. There’s tons of tau, eldar, and sister of battle porn.

It's the most soulful scifi setting out there.

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If you can't deccide to like or not like something on your own, you should just kill yourself.

you need to loosen up though, IG have a faithful fanbase explicitly because in a world of extremes, the common man manages to stand a fighting chance

it's cringe thought because it's over the top but only in a pg-13 way. like how slaneesh is supposed to be the god of degenerate sex but his minions just have lobser arms and wear stupid leather man outfits.

Space Marines are boring, yes. The lore of the other races is far more interesting. The Necrontyr, the old ones, and the eldar are all really cool to read about, and what they started millions of years ago is pretty much the basis of what happens in the current era. Basically, they fucked up hard and screwed over the galaxy, which is why 40k might seem edgy as fuck - those peolle ruined it for everyone.

>the common man manages to stand a fighting chance
lmao, only because 500 other 'common men' are dying at any given instant instead of the common man in question
the common man doesn't stand a chance - just easier to dodge a bullet because of sheer weight of numbers around you.

Oh look he's busting out the big boy words.

To put it bluntly it's all about the "Rule of Cool" and it doesn't really have to be any deeper than that.

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>The Necrontyr
Nucron lore is shit.

40K is cringe. Fantasy is based.

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literally every codex of every race has vignettes
and none of the war stories are that uncool


They're the same.


>They're the same


They made them pussies. They literally send ambassadors to the lesser races to negotiate the return of land to them.
Nucron lore is shit. You are wrong if you say otherwise.

I'm with you, OP. Warhammer is the video game equivalent of a wallet chain.

>based inlore books with awful advice
hey man there's quality stuff, even if it is overpriced at times

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