Was it a good system?

Was it a good system?

Attached: Nintendo-3DS-AquaOpen.jpg (2300x2080, 1.9M)

it alright

It was good for its time, but it was replaced by a much better console.

Had a legendary comeback.

Yeah, better than the Switch imo
I really think people undersell the 3D on it, it looks pretty good in a lot of games and is far better than any popout 3D.


it was pretty good, the circle pad made a lot of ds games easier to play and it had some neat games

Hacked, yes. Unhacked, fuck no.

Attached: 3DSLaunchPrice.png (1280x709, 699.26K)

>Better than the switch
Hellllll no

The 3D hurt my eyes.

Yeah, way better than the Switch. Switch has fuck all to play.

Handhelds are for children and manbabies.


>Didn't get mine in time for the Ambassador program

Attached: tenor.gif (400x300, 1.16M)

3DS was literally a JRPG machine unhacked. No good games on it unless you hacked it


No, it's uncomfortable as fk to play for over an hour especially if you're using the circle pad a lot. I do like the clamshell design but I also hated how the frame around the touchscreen marked the top lcd screen and in some cases even scratched it. I think they fixed the issue in later versions but it still sucked for the early adopters.

It has a nice library of games but I never played anything other than first party games. I couldn't play rpgs, I was never into those.

Stop being a white guy with frail hands.

>Mario Kart
>Fire Emblem
>Dragon Quest
>Monster Hunter
>Metal gear
>Animal Crossing
>Luigi's Mansion
>Best version of DK country returns
>Bravely default
>Mario & Luigi series
Yeah, I'm thinking it's based

Well you hack it regardless of if you have the money to buy games that aren't JRPGs.
I'm serious, I genuinely consider it a better system overall. I think the dual screen format is preferable to just hybridizing the device as a home console.

>Had one with the ambassador bonuses on it, but it was stolen by niggers when they robbed my house.


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The first thing I did after hacking mine was installing those games.
Then I had to redo them to remove the dark filter.

If it didn't have the shitty 3D gimmick and devs focused more on smooth 60fps experiences it would've been a much better one
Also the O3DS and some N3DS screens are fucking trash, they're all full of ghosting to the point it makes anything but slow 3D games and JRPGs nigh unplayable just from the shit visual quality and the awful blurring you get in the image.
The ergonomics are also just trash and the circle pad is a terrible analog stick.

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Aside from graphics there's not really much the Switch does better and the library of non-ported titles is considerably thinner than the 3DS or DS for now. I think in a few years it might surpass it but for now it's just the "trendy" console, and both Pokemon and Animal Crossing have pulled a lot of bullshit that the 3DS incarnations didn't, mostly just releasing the game partially and adding in cut content (most of which is not new, but rather expected staples that have been standard for over a decade's worth of games) later.
In all honesty, the 3DS (for now) is still better bang for your buck and the dual screens lend it better capability for games like Warioware or Etrian Odyssey. Unless you REALLY need to play the freshest Pokemon, Smash, AC, or Zelda, the Switch really isn't that big a deal. I like it, but I think people really undersell the 3DS solely because you can play a Switch on a regular TV.

I legitimately don't get the ergonomics thing. Do people really hurt their hands somehow on these? I've held a new XL for hours at a time and never felt joint pain or soreness. It's not a whole lot different from holding a kind of half-weight tablet.

>Had one.
>Got stolen.

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What's with 3DS's and getting stolen
My cousin had one stolen out of his pocket at a mall. Granted he didn't seem to give a shit because he was a rich fellow but still.

In the corner of a niggers eye it looks pretty valuable.

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I guess the black one does sort of look like a phone when you aren't looking closely and it's closed.

The first time I got a 3DS, I played with the 3D effect on, and then all the posts on Yas Forums seemed to float for a while.


I wish more people could use the 3D properly, I really liked it and I'm sad nothing will ever have depth 3D on it again.