It is now mid april

>it is now mid april
>update still not done
How are you guys coping?

Attached: onirism.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

>found all the secrets and upgrades while waiting for update
>genuinely feels like 100% late 90's games when there were no guides

I'm only missing one health upgrade. Maybe I'll spend a day looking for it if I'm desperate enough for something to do.

Attached: 1057640_20200226142505_1.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

I can't wait for the new levels with the secrets since they are mostly well hidden, or in plain sight but not easy to reach.

I hope they get even more creative with level design since they'll be giving us double jump and possibly glide.

Attached: uKCGWn03wPkiz8ip.webm (800x508, 2.83M)

And add more secret levels like sunshine please

>Huh never heard of this looks kinda fun
>look it up on Steam

ok which one of you motherfuckers did this?

Attached: tags.png (408x76, 21.32K)


More bonus levels are a given. The question is what old platformer will they be ripping o- I mean, paying homage to?

Attached: platforms.webm (1200x676, 2.42M)

by me

They should pay homage to Doom with a level, not just clothing

I wouldn't be surprised if one of them is in first person considering how much the dev has shown off messing with it

Attached: doom.webm (1000x562, 2.89M)

Why this skimal (what was the word? I forgot) girl has heavy weaponry?

All toys using foam, water and fireworks as ammo.

nigga what?

Attached: 1585960535975.jpg (454x488, 46.42K)

if only her eyes were green

She is not skimal? The clothes and ice setting made me think that.

That is....cute, what is this game's name?

Is this some furry shit, like scalie?

No, is people that live in ice regions, the Spanish name for them is "skimal" but can't for life remember it's English equivalent.

OP's filename.

She's just wearing a trendy snow outfit.

Attached: EN7xjrPXsAAjyu1.jpg (1920x1080, 224.3K)

Can't see it on phone.

It's onirism, you dumb phoneposter.

Attached: ZsKme8OBNNKIagiP.webm (800x386, 2M)


Thanks user.

i don't mind, I have a backlog and if I 100% what's available I'll have to wait for the next update anyway

>dev would be working on the online update right now if his belonging hadn't gotten culturally enriched
I just want to play summer slime blast 2 with other people.

Attached: 1057640_20200117232852_1.png (1920x1080, 2.32M)

found the pedophile thread

found the pedo

as a pedophile the girl isn't really cute, she's ugly.

mods can fix this.

see i knew it

the best kind of threads