Can we have a gamerfuel thread?

Can we have a gamerfuel thread?

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that doesnt look healthy

What a waste of food.

ah yes the american breakfast

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What would you rather happen, food gets rationed out and we have to wait in breadlines like in communist Russia?
We can afford to be wasteful.

Those nice patties with cheese are soul, that shit colored bun and fucking chocolate and... carrots? That doesnt look like bacon. There's your soulless.

What is that bread?

>American cuisine

amerifats are fucking disgusting. no wonder this virus is dropping them left and right

pic related is sort of my go-to

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had some prunes earlier
finna take a good shit

Pepper jack sucks so much. Just use Swiss.

for me its bat soup

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nice "burger" you fucking casual

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that's not an american breakfast. That's half an american breakfast

do americans really...

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>fucking butter roller
I'm not sure whether to be impressed or disgusted


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To big on be carrots, the color kinda reminds me of smoked salmon but that can’t be right.

I don't know a single person who'd be jealous of that

What the fuck is that? Balsamic in a smash burger? kys

"I'm ready to settle down now!"

Both suck ass, use sharp cheddar.

Why does he not just gently pour it onto the side of the burger?

there is nothing wrong with this

cursed eating technique

>To big on be carrots
it's a big carrot maybe?

What SMT demon is that?

Greek yogurt with strawberries is comfy post workout meal

look in a mirror

Do americans really?


Not as fun

>post anything above 100 calories

Hummus with some flavored flat bread, or chicken in a biscuit crackers. Sometimes I swap the hummus with crab dip.

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No, man, not this time. This is nothing to be jealous of.

This thread is giving me diabeetus

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We're so rent free in your heads.

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based urine drinker

That man is a genius

>ye dont like me cookin'??

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more like a small amount of mcdonald's for the average-sized american.

amerimutt cope

eurotrash seethe

Beans only pls

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i have a webm of this but its too big for Yas Forums
don't watch this you have been warned


90 miunutes for that?
What the fuck. An infant could (should) do that.

get a load of this casual. you like your cheese like you like your games: missing large chunks of content and incredibly bland and dry.

if you're retarded you'll just go "hurt hurr fat man talking mcdonalds that's funny hurt hurr" but if you're not you should see he's actually correct, fast food is made to be as unfilling as possible so you go for seconds or even thirds, the hardest part here would be the drinks

He's not entirely wrong. I could easily eat half of that no problem and I'm not even fat. The other half would be harder but not impossible

Europoors are up early today. I normally don't see shitposts about the only relevant nation on the planet, America, for another 4 hours.

what a fucking waste of food, you first worlders don't deserve anything you have

Forbidden knowledge

Do american really eat chocolate with their burger?

this is like that scene from Elf. in fact that might be the inspiration for this disgusting display

I take shits more appetizing than that.

i would unironically eat that and no im not american

Nigger, please. The minute your family gets food like that your subdivision calls it a grand feast and you throw a festival.

Oh yes, please inform us of what euroshit nation you are from so we can mock your even worse state, by all means you broke ass nigger.

Looks like its time to ban assault hotdogs.

Don't act like thirdworlders don't follow these same Instagram accounts enabling this shit.
The world's fuckd we should just nuke it

It's four burgers and a shitload of nuggies, in what world is that a small portion

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H-He knows about the Atlantian secrets. Shut it down.

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mexican niggas i swear...

>make bad food picture
>instant attention by retard liberal narcissists

For you, possibly.

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who the fuck puts melted chocolate in a burger?

If a girl from a video game ate shit like this they'd become a fat swollen lardbag with a giant fat ass and a gargantuan gut. ha ha.


I genuinely don't get the appeal of this fucking burger towers people love making/ordering for videos like this. You can't even fucking eat the thing without taking it apart, or using a fork and knife.
Stick with a humble double patty, or if you feel the need to meme it up max it out at a quad patty burger, that way you can still actually take a fucking bite while holding it

Literally worse than Americans

>left at the end with a bunch of short cuts
you're supposed to use a spoon to twirl the spaghetti round

go back to pol

When does it get gross? Half that shit looks delicious

Why are ameribraps so easy to bait?

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